Beja: The superintendent Adílio Custodio is the new commander of the District Command of the PSP.

Beja: The superintendent Adílio Custodio is the new commander of the District Command of the PSP.

The superintendent Adílio Red Custodio, passes from today to be the new commander of the District Command of the Public Security Police Beja, replacing in charge of the Intendant Paul Quintal.

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Beja: Bad weather causes havoc on building. The street (Infantry 17) It has been closed.

Beja: Bad weather causes havoc on building. The street (Infantry 17) It has been closed.

A queda dos reforços em mármore das varandas de um edifício comercial de três andares no centro de Beja, levou ao encerramento da Rua Infantaria 17, face ao perigo de novos desprendimentos que causassem danos em pessoas e viaturas.

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Beja: African citizen with psychiatric problems assaults police.

Beja: African citizen with psychiatric problems assaults police.

Um cidadão africano, 18 year old, mordeu um agente da PSP, tendo sido detido e posteriormente conduzido ao Hospital de Beja, acabando por ficar internado no departamento de psiquiatria daquela unidade.

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Beja: Fleeing there 14 year old, caught in his mother

Beja: Fleeing there 14 year old, caught in his mother's house. You have to meet 6 years and 6 months in prison.

Fleeing there 14 year old, a man who had been convicted in 2001, a 6 years and 6 months in prison, He was caught by the PSP in mother's house. It was delivered in Prison Beja.

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Beja: Woman disqualified from driving caught behind the wheel. He was arrested for disobedience.

Beja: Woman disqualified from driving caught behind the wheel. He was arrested for disobedience.

A woman sentenced to three months' disqualification, by driving crime while intoxicated, It was caught yesterday behind the wheel for PSP. He was arrested for disobedience.

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