Beja: Judged four individuals who stuck tires and made thefts in the village of Neves.
Four individuals aged between 21 and 28 year old, começaram ontem julgados por danos em viaturas e furtos em diversos locais da aldeia de Nossa Senhora das Neves. Um dos indivíduos furou os pneus de um carro da PSP.
Beja: Drunk driver, with rate of 2,43 grs/l, destroys housing and drive home.
A drunk driver, which revealed a blood alcohol level of 2,43 grams liter of alcohol in the blood test that was submitted by the Public Security Police (PSP).
Beja: Judgment of Cape Verdean citizens for drug trafficking, cocaine and heroin.
An individual of Cape Verdean nationality, resident in Mem Martins, Sintra, It began yesterday to be tried before the Court of Beja by drug trafficking crime, namely, cocaine and heroin.
Beja: District Command of the PSP Bike Tour "cycling Solidarity".
The District Command Beja PSP, através do Programa Escola Segura da sua Esquadra de Competência Territorial de Beja, perform, next Friday, 29 May, pelas 10H00, um Passeio de Bicicleta, denominado “Pedaladas Solidárias”.
Beja: PSP, 47 months later, already gives use the old school of Salvador.
Past 47 months and costs 141.000 euros since the start of the tenancy the PSP finally gave, this month, use the old Primary School of Salvador.