Security: Minister of Internal Affairs does not comment discontent in the security forces
The Minister of Internal Affairs declined to comment on a possible manifestation of police and military against the delay in approval of the organic laws of PSP and GNR, stating that Portugal “It has its security forces”.
Moura: PSP arrested two individuals for Residential Burglary.
The PSP Moura arrested two individuals for robbery in interior residence. The two men are now brought to justice.
Beja: Command of the PSP takes stock of "Operation Ovibeja-2015".
The District Command of the PSP Beja made known the results of "Operation Ovibeja 2015.", with a detainee and 95 doses of hashish.
Beja. Collision between two cars. One did not stop the "red".
Duas viaturas, uma de passageiros e outra de mercadorias colidiram num cruzamento, in the center of Beja. Uma das viaturas não parou no sinal vermelho e provocou o acidente. A colisão correu ontem no cruzamento da Rua de Lisboa e da Rua Infante D.Henrique.
Beja: Hundreds of meters of wire rope, presumably stolen, shredded and abandoned.
The Lidador News discovered several metal cables, defined as non-precious materials, that they were cut and then shredded were abandoned in little accessible place.