Opinion (Rogério COPETO / Official GNR): 2017 IN REVIEW.
Like last year, as is the tradition at the end of each year, this article aims to give a summary of the main events that occurred during the year 2017, using the themes that have been discussed here in LN.
Last week aroused my attention some articles on school violence, which highlighted the published by the Morning Post with the title "500 crimes per month in schools" and the SOL called "Increase crimes in schools".
Opinion (Rogério COPETO / Official GNR): The CORK THEFT
At the end of last month and at the beginning of this, They were recorded at least three cork theft occurrences, which is a phenomenon, What concerns the GNR and has higher expression in the summer.
Opinion (Rogério COPETO / Official GNR): "MY SAFETY MANUAL".
It is now one year that the GNR in partnership with the "Portuguese Association for Missing Children" (APDC) He launched the book "My Safety Manual", to mark the "International Day of Missing Children", which is celebrated every year 25 May.
Opinion (Rogério COPETO / Official GNR): ELDERLY IN DANGER.
No artigo desta semana volto a abordar o tema do trabalho da GNR no combate ao isolamento e solidão dos idosos, por motivo da reportagem que passou no jornal da TVI no domingo passado e da responsabilidade da jornalista Ana Leal, denominada “Minutos de Mim”.