Serpa: 3Edition of Sing Fest'2017, of 24 a 27 November, in Lisbon and Serpa.
The celebration of the Alentejo Sing as Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, Sing through Fest'2017, will take place in Lisbon and Serpa, between 24 and 27 November.
Serpa: Launched contract for execution of the walkways ” Pulo do Lobo”.
The Municipality of Serpa launched the tender for the contract for execution of the walkways ” Pulo do Lobo”. base price value exceeds 340 thousand euros.
Sobral da Adiça (Moura): four-year-old boy dies in accident, sister of 18 months in very serious condition.
A four-year-old boy died yesterday in EN385, near Sobral da Adiça, municipality of Moura, following the screening of the car which was following with parents and baby sister, of 18 months, which was heliborne to a hospital in Lisbon.
(Updated 2) Serpa: ER closing the hospital reversed in 24 hours.
The decision not to terminate the Emergency Department of Hospital Serpa was the ARSAlentejo, but it has been one “higher order”. The Ministry of Health “He ordered” to “anyone talk ".
Salvada / Beja: Conductive punished with imprisonment, suspended, By double death.
Conductive charged with two counts of murder by negligence, the death in a car accident a couple of Salvada (Beja), It was ordered to 2 years and 2 months in prison. The sentence was suspended.