Serpa: Pedro do Carmo responds to the accusations of the Left Block about the hospital.

Serpa: Pedro do Carmo responds to the accusations of the Left Block about the hospital.

Visado pelo Bloco de Esquerda sobre a votação da reversão da gestão do Hospital de Serpa, da Misericórdia para o Serviço Público, o deputado socialista Pedro do Carmo responde e fala emilusão dos números políticos inconsequentes”.

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Serpa: Hospital management Reversal, frustrated with the approval of PSD project.

Serpa: Hospital management Reversal, frustrated with the approval of PSD project.

Os votos favoráveis de PSD e CDS, a abstenção dos deputados do PS, permitiu a aprovação do projeto do PSD que mantém o Hospital de São Paulo sob gestão da Misericórdia de Serpa.

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Serpa: PSD presented the draft resolution to the Hospital is under Mercy management.

Serpa: PSD presented the draft resolution to the Hospital is under Mercy management.

Gestão do Hospital de São Paulo, em Serpa gera posições antagónicas na Assembleia da República. PSD apresentou Projeto de Resolução para que o Governomantenha o Hospital de S. Paulo, Serpa, sob a gestão da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Serpa”.

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Serpa: Left Bloc leads reversing Hospital management to Parliament.

Serpa: Left Bloc leads reversing Hospital management to Parliament.

The Left Bloc Parliamentary Group today presents an Assembly of the Republic, a draft resolution, in which he recommends the PS Government, the reversal of the management of Hospital de Serpa, of Mercy for Public Management, decided by the Executive of Pedro Passos Coelho.

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Serpa: Courting History and Ethnography brings thousands to the streets of the "White City".

Serpa: Courting History and Ethnography brings thousands to the streets of the "White City".

Today from 16.00 Serpa hours the streets will be littered with people jostling to see the parade Historical and Ethnographic, Our integrated into traditional Parties Lady of Guadalupe, the patron saint of the county.

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