Mértola: Concert Bombino, Omri, Speed ​​Caravan Trio and DuOud the Islamic Festival.
Mértola is counting down for the 10th edition of the Islamic Festival, which is made of 16 a 19 May, in the historic town center. In addition to the souk - street market.
Mértola: Islamic Festival, of 18 a 21 May.
Islamic festival focuses all attention on Mértola 18 a 21 May.
Mértola: Islamic festival leads to Vila- More Museum 50 thousand visitors.
The 8th edition of Mértola Islamic Festival to be held until Sunday, organized by the City Council, It continues to have as big bet "to enhance and disseminate the Islamic heritage of the Village Museum".
Mértola: Islamic festival is inaugurated today at 17.30 and ends Sunday.
from today to sunday (21 a 24 May), Mértola hosts the 8th edition of the Islamic Festival, an event organized by the City Council. street market (Souk), music, dance, exhibitions, gastronomy and much more to discover in Vila-Museum. The opening will be today at 17,30 no Largo Vasco da Gama.