Telechronics: various tools in various areas and the return to action.

Telechronics: various tools in various areas and the return to action.

A survey carried out by August Gallup concluded that the majority of respondents to the study in North America do not trust the responsibility of companies in relation to Artificial Intelligence.

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Telechronics: AI training, internet, integrated messages and lyrics.

Telechronics: AI training, internet, integrated messages and lyrics.

Only 13% of employees received training in Artificial Intelligence (HE) on the last year, despite the increase in roles requiring AI skills and more than half of them believing that this knowledge will be essential.

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Telechronics:  cyberattacks, data about the Portuguese and that music.

Telechronics: cyberattacks, data about the Portuguese and that music.

A CPR report – Check Point Research – reveals an increase in 8% in weekly cyberattacks globally in the second quarter of the year. According to experts, this is the most significant increase in two years.

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Telechronics: researches, surveys and other news.

Telechronics: researches, surveys and other news.

A new survey conducted by NordVPN reveals that the Portuguese occupy the third place in the world ranking of knowledge about online privacy and cybersecurity, with a score of 62%.

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Telechronics: work and other work-related things.

Telechronics: work and other work-related things.

In addition to being more comfortable and promoting a better balance between work and personal life, many find that working from home is more productive. However, looks like it's not like that after all.

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