Telechronics (Opinion / Ademar Days): News, tips, studies and a suggestion for a laugh.
Portugal is, a pair of Finland, the country in the world where the population has more trust in the news, despite the public distrust and fear the spread of false news through social networks, It refers to the seventh annual report of the Reuters Institute.
Telechronics (Opinion / Ademar Days): robots, some news and another mini console.
According to a World Economic Forum report, the next four years, automation will put about 75 million jobs at risk but, on the other hand, They should be created about 133 million new jobs, a difference of 58 million jobs.
Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): studies, Further studies and loose predator.
A study published by Common Sense Media concluded that there are positive effects on the use of social networks and communication via messaging applications.
Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): smartphones and time, time and smartphones.
Young people today spend too much time connected to the smartphone, something which is known to not be beneficial. And new data collected in a study Pep Reports show that this practice raises concern even in the youth.
Telechronics (Opinion / Ademar Days): hearsay, certainties, more video games and a shark.
After all the rumors were unfounded. At least for now! Netflix will not, for now, insert commercials during the series.