Telechronics: PCs, video games and movie inspired in Portuguese.
In 2016 were sold 269,7 million personal computers, less 6,2% than in the previous year, second Gartner data.
Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): technology, social networking and movie.
In the list of the ten most technological patents 2016 there is a noticeable absence.
Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): wifi passive, yet 2016 and more movies.
A new wifi system, called “wifi passive”, lets you connect your smartphone or tablet to the Internet and save 10 thousand times the energy used.
Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): More rankings to finish 2016.
Video games again dominate the list of most influential YouTube channel of the year, but there is a surprising fact: in the first place is a cast that speaks Portuguese.
Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): here interactions for all tastes.
Google allows you to remember virtually full days of your life.