Telechronics (Ademar Days- Opinion): Portuguese prefer Skype and WhatsApp.
It Apps fan? According to a recent study by Regus, which involved more than 44.000 professionals over 100 or countries around the world, Skype and WhatsApp are preferred Portuguese applications at work.
Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): USB with smartphones are coming
We started with a serious issue, with the news of the creation of an online platform for training journalists. Launched by Google, the platform allows journalists to learn or improve internet communication skills.
Telechronics (Opinion-Ademar Days): New television services conquer space.
They keep coming news about Windows 10. Microsoft is in the final stages of preparation for the launch of the latest edition of its operating system and this week we learned that, for mobile versions, such as in iOS systems, users will be able to use Windows 10 with only one hand.
Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): Marquem na agenda, Netflix arrives in October
Artificial intelligence is fashionable and now even Facebook entered the race. The company is installing a permanent team of research in Paris, in the field of artificial intelligence, team that is expected to grow in number in the near future. O denominado Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) It is the third pillar of futuristic research and development company, along with the natural planetary connectivity interfaces and.
Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): Super Mario everywhere and Internet also
This week started with Microsoft's intention to provide Internet anywhere. The news was released by VentureBeat and advances that Microsoft is working on a new service that would allow access to the Internet anywhere in the world, what will surely leave delighted users of smartphones and tablets.