Beja: Arrested for domestic violence and drug trafficking.
In addition to having a pending warrant of arrest for domestic violence, an individual was also arrested for drug trafficking. He was in custody.
Vidigueira: Tried for drug trafficking and illegal possession of weapons.
An individual 45 year old, for some years he lived in Vidigueira, where he devoted himself to the sale of cannabis and cocaine, to be held by GNR, It began yesterday to be tried in the Central Criminal Court of the Court of Beja.
Moura: Couple arrested for drug trafficking. He was in possession 384 doses of hashish.
A couple, resident in Moura, it with 28 and she with 20 year old, He was arrested yesterday by the military of the Center for Criminal Investigation (NIC) de Moura da GNR, Hair crime of drug trafficking, in the city Alentejo.
Justice: MP diaper Évora arrested around 7,5 million network trafficking in persons.
Prosecution of Évora DIAP charged six Romanian citizens, members of a network of human trafficking. They were arrested about 7,5 million.
Beja and Alcacer do Sal: SEF holds two suspects brothers of human trafficking crime.
The Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) yesterday held the fulfillment of two arrest warrants on suspicion of trafficking crimes, aiding illegal immigration and hand raising illegal work. The operation took place in Alcacer zones Sal and Beja.