PĂłvoa S. Miguel / Moura: Former Chega elected official accused of attempted murder of foreigners.
A former elected member of the party arrives at the Parish Council of PĂłvoa de SĂŁo Miguel, in the municipality of Moura, He was accused by prosecutors (MP) and will be judged by a Panel of Judges at the Beja Court, by a simple crime of murder, the attempted form, using a firearm.
V.N.SĂŁo Bento/Serpa: Convicted on parole, threatened his ex-wife and children with death again.
Sentenced to a prison sentence of 7 years and 8 months, in legal height, for four crimes he committed in 2016 and 2017, against his then wife and one of his children, who tried to kill by setting fire to the furniture.
Justice: Very busy start of the judicial year at the Beja Court.
Judge and lawyer “catch each other” in court during a drug trafficking trial. The late arrival of the legal counsel led to a report to the Bar Association which led to the dispute.
Derision: “Cattle King” by Nevolgilde (Lousada) condenado a 5 years and 6 months in prison.
an individual, of 27 year old, resident in Nevogilde (Lousada), was sentenced by a Panel of Judges of the Court of Beja to a single prison sentence of 5 years and 6 months and payment of 56.921,67 euros, sympathetically, with the company that manages, for three crimes of qualified fraud, one of which in an aggravated form.
Almodovar: Three of the four defendants in the drug trafficking case sentenced to prison terms.
Two men and a woman, among them a couple, They were yesterday (Thursday) sentenced to prison terms between 1 year and 6 months and 5 years and 6 months, for the crime of drug trafficking in the Alentejo village of AlmodĂ´var.