Justice: Judge took office as President of the District of Beja. She is the first woman and “Beja's daughter” I don't charge.
The Judge of Law Maria das Mercês do Nascimento, took office on Friday morning, as President of the Judicial Court of the Beja District, that encompasses 14 judgments, being one of proximity, after the judicial reorganization of 2014, becoming in the first woman and magistrate born in the city, to take office.
Justice: Judge President of the Judicial Court of the District of Beja takes office on Friday.
The Judge of Law Maria das Mercês do Nascimento, appointed to the position of Judge President of the Judicial Court of the District of Beja, takes office next Friday.
Beja: Broke roof and took tobacco, money and scratch card worth 20.110 euros.
Taking advantage of the dark of night and the limited movement of cars or people in the area, because it's sunday, an individual climbed onto the roof of Intermarche de Beja, pierced the cover of it, dismantled the false ceiling of a tobacconist, having entered its interior, where did you steal money from?, slushies and tobacco, not the total value of 20.110 euros.
It's worth it from Rosa: There are already around fifty creditors in PER processes.
As Lidador NotÃcias revealed last day 6 January, in Vale da Rosa, Uval and owner/manager Antônio Silvestre Ferreira filed a Special Revitalization Process (PER).
Beja: fire 2020 at Herdade da Mingorra arrives at court.
Trial opposing Crédito AgrÃcola Seguros to Sony Europe and Worten was scheduled for next March. The insurer requests compensation for 942.500 euros, due to house fire on Mingorra Farm.