Vidigueira: Mayor threatened by couple.

Vidigueira: Mayor threatened by couple.

Mayor was threatened with death by couple who wanted home. The prosecutor accuses the defendants of seven crimes against the president and woman.

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Vidigueira: Municipality approves budget for 2021.

Vidigueira: Municipality approves budget for 2021.

The Vidigueira Municipal Assembly approved, in session held 28 of December, the proposal for Budget and Major Plan Options for the year 2021.

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DGS: Vidigueira and Mértola are the highest risk municipalities in the district.

DGS: Vidigueira and Mértola are the highest risk municipalities in the district.

According to data by municipalities released by DGS, Vidigueira and Mértola are the municipalities most at risk of covid-19, being on the risk list “very high”, may have tighter rules.

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Obituary: Joaquim Tadeu passed away.

Obituary: Joaquim Tadeu passed away.

Joaquim Tadeu, passed away this Tuesday at José Joaquim Fernandes Hospital, in Beja.

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Covid-19: Vidigueira is from the municipalities of Portugal where the situation is most critical.

Covid-19: Vidigueira is from the municipalities of Portugal where the situation is most critical.

The municipality of Vidigueira is the third where the situation of the covid-19 is more critical after Mourão and Mora, all alentejo counties, we last 14 days for 100 thousand. On the reverse pole are Barrancos and Arronches with zero cases.

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