Beja: Trial of two individuals who "cleaned up" Eight dwellings in the county Vidigueira.
Oito residências localizadas Vila de Frades, Alcaria da Serra e Vidigueira, todas neste concelho foram “limpas” entre 201o e 2014 por dois indivÃduos que começaram a ser julgados, in Beja. Outro processo, investiga uma mulher por recetação de alguns dos bens furtados.
Beja: Van collides with overturned truck and leaves nine injured.
Nine Light Wounded, Four men and five women, It was the result of the collision of a light passenger vehicle, with a truck that had overturned moments before the clash.
Vidigueira: Fugitive with European arrest warrant caught visiting the house.
A Portuguese citizen, residing in Pedrogão, county Vidigueira, with national and European arrest warrants was taken on Thursday by the GNR in your home.
Vidigueira: Sustainable entrepreneurship joins European partners.
Sustainable entrepreneurship joins European partners in Vidigueira, for the processing of business 20 Finnish students to Portugal in the month of April 2016.
Vidigueira: Restreio General Health students of the school cluster.
Association of Parents and Guardians of Vidigueira Group of Schools promotes General Health Screening.