Vidigueira: Former emigrant in preventive detention for domestic violence.

Vidigueira: Former emigrant in preventive detention for domestic violence.

Sexagenarian in preventive detention for domestic violence against partner, using firearms and melee weapons. Already have a conviction for the same type of crime.

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Vidigueira: Domestic violence brings septuagenarian to trial.

Vidigueira: Domestic violence brings septuagenarian to trial.

Septuagenarian begins today to be tried for domestic violence against ex-partner. Have you ever been convicted of the same crime against the same woman?.

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Vidigueira: Former Speaker of the House sentenced to five years in prison and fine.

Vidigueira: Former Speaker of the House sentenced to five years in prison and fine.

Manuel Narra, former mayor of Vidigueira, was sentenced this afternoon in the Beja Court to a sentence of five years in prison for the crime of embezzlement.

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Vidigueira: The Left Block goes further and “defends the return to the public sphere and to the SNS of Hospital de São Paulo”.

Vidigueira: The Left Block goes further and “defends the return to the public sphere and to the SNS of Hospital de São Paulo”.

A man of 47 years old died today victim of an accident at work with an agricultural machine on a rural property in the municipality of Vidigueira, no Beja district, years old died today victim of an accident at work with an agricultural machine on a rural property in the municipality of Vidigueira.

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Vidigueira: Former Speaker of the House began to answer for embezzlement and forgery of documents.

Vidigueira: Former Speaker of the House began to answer for embezzlement and forgery of documents.

warned that the drought is affecting, Manuel Narra, warned that the drought is affecting, warned that the drought is affecting, warned that the drought is affecting.

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