Special rate: REN pays, but will challenge the legality of the law

REN decided to pay the extraordinary contribution of the Energy Sector (CESSATION), It announced yesterday in a statement sent to company Securities Market Commission (CMVM). According to "Mad Money", the amount in question is about 25 million, as announced by both the government and the company.

Remember that, in mid-November last year, a few days before the deadline for liuidar this rate, REN announced it was to review the legality of that contribution and would decide later whether paid or not.

Now, this led, as is common in such cases, the Tax Authority to visit REN and notify her that she was in default, giving you 30 days to pay, what then happened now.

“Following notification of the liquidation of the extraordinary contribution of the energy sector relating to 2014 received by group companies REN, the same proceeded to pay the contribution within established for this purpose”, said in a statement quoted by the company site "Mad Money". And adding that “meets, fully, its responsibilities as a taxpayer, fully transparent, as always has based its operations”.

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