Telechronics (Opinion- Ademar Days): we are retaining less and less information?
According to a study carried out by Kapersky Lab, Google is affect how humans deal with information, what it called 'Google Effect'.
Radio Horizonte Algarve / Tavira
The investigation concluded that 90% of respondents suffer from amnesia digital, with the majority admit you do not remember the phone number of the children or fellow(a).
This is because, increasingly, We treat the Internet as an extension of our memory, where we can find everything we need.
"Our brains rely on the Internet to memory in the same way depends on the memory of a friend, family member or co-worker. We remember less knowing the information itself than knowing where the information can be found,"Said Betsy Sparrow teacher, da Universidade de Columbia, one of the study's authors.
As a tip we say to train your memory!
a change More visible is what we found at the time we access the Internet itself.
The Bareme Internet data, Marktest, indicate that the computer remains the most used device for Internet access, but there are other equipment to fight for this role.
The data show that already are 2,2 Portuguese million (o equivalente a 25,7%) who already prefer the tablet to surf the web, an option that stands out especially in the age group up to 44 year old, where the penetration rate rises to this gadget 42%.
Ainda acima do tablet destaca-se o smartphone é usado por 42,3% Portuguese.
And you, as access to the Internet?
We continue to measure access.
According to Facebook's own data, in Portugal, of 3,4 millions of people who access the social network daily, 2,8 millions do it through smartphones and other mobile devices, leading to 59% the content to be shared via Mobile.
Summer is, par excellence, the time of year where users are more active. During the summer, Portuguese share 1.47x more images than status updates and 1.21x more than in winter.
On the other hand, women share more content than men (54% against 46%).
Now advance some useful tips for those who think the battery from your phone / smartphone can not take what would be supposed to endure.
The question is how to save battery? the answers, five, stay here!
Quit applications.
Jump between applications is very useful but the most inattentive can leave open applications, or just by consuming too much battery. Go encerrarando applications as ceases to need them.
Decrease the brightness of the screen.
If you are in a good light does not need the screen has such a strong light. Most smartphones have screens have adjustable brightness automatically to ambient light but if your still not so smart can change the brightness manually.
Turn down screen timer.
In addition to the light also has to worry about the time that your screen is active. If you are reading something on the Internet is natural that the asset you want as much time as possible but if you are trying to save energy is better to reduce the time.
Turn off Wi-Fi.
If your Wi-Fi connection is always on your smartphone will be constantly searching for a connection point, an effort that ends the battery in instantinho.
Do not use vibration.
It required too much energy to vibrate the smartphone. You may think it is useful, but it will be better for you if you have this feature disabled. Even in meetings it will be best to opt for the silent and simply return the screen for you.
No cinema, debut this Thursday the animated film "Minimum" (“Minionsâ€).
After a first appearance in the saga "Gru – The Unwell ", Now the Minimum become entitled to a film itself and the story Least begins in earliest of times.
From unicellular organisms amarelos, the Minimum have developed through the ages, always serving the most Snippy Masters. Being unable to keep the masters - T-Rex Napoleon, the Minimum are no one to serve and go into deep depression.
But one Minimum called Kevin has a plan and, along with the rebel Stuart and the lovely Bob, venture into the world in search of a new and evil boss to follow. And the potential leader is Scarlet Overkill, the super-villain the world's first!
And this is the trailer: