Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): a second internet, statistics and more.

Our own use the internet gives us only a very small idea of ​​the size that the internet has and the amount of people who use.

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Radio Horizonte Algarve / Tavira

With Internet Live Stats ( You can follow the status of the internet to the second, and this site also offers some data and statistics that can help to have a closer idea.

Here are some examples: They have access to the internet about 3,4 billion people (46,1% the world population), information that changes hands in a second internet reaches 35.950GB, o equivalente a 5.800 copies of 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring '; They are made per second about 54.907 Google searches, 7.252 publications on Twitter, 125.406 views on YouTube and sent 2.501.018 e-mails.

According to the study Global Mobile Consumer Trends, performed by the industry Technology, Media & Telecommunications (TMT) that Deloitte, text messages and Instant Messaging platforms (IM) are the first applications that consumers check when you start the day. Average, I consulted smartphones 40 times per day, but the values ​​passed to the 100 times 24 hours we emerging markets.

The data indicate that almost all the users of mobile phones equipment refer to three hours after agreeing. We emerging markets, 93% check your equipment up to one hour (or less) after waking up.

The analysis also reveals that 78% consumers in developed markets have smartphones and over 50% They own a tablet. practically 10% they have wearables, and one quarter of these respondents plan to purchase a device of its kind in the next 12 months.

In Portugal, the number of social networking users has tripled in seven years, to 54,8% in 2015, and a third of companies use these platforms, according to Marktest studies and IDC Portugal, respectively.

According to the study, of all Internet pages consulted during navigation, 15% respected social networks, Responsible for 38% the time spent surfing the net.

According to Marktest, Facebook is the social network with the highest penetration rate in Portugal, with 93,6%, followed by YouTube (41,4%), Google + (40,2%), LinkedIn (37,3%), Instagram (28,9%) and Twitter (23,6%).

Another fact is pointed out by the study Digital News Report 2016, do Reuters Institute, whereby 51% two consumers 26 countries, Portugal included, use social networks as' news source’ at least once a week.

Near 12% of respondents even said that social networks are the main source of news, It is that Facebook "is by far the most important network to find, read / view and share news ", the study says.

Instagram announced that has 500 million monthly users, double what the social network had two years ago, and these 300 million use the social network every day.

On a normal day are shared on average about 95 million photos and videos, content receiving 4,2 billion 'likes'.

But there's more news in the realm of Instagram, since the platform announced that "next month" will start to translate comments and photos publications.

New features They are a constant in social networks and Facebook will add one more to your list, called Slideshow (Stories similar to the Snapchat).

The Facebook application will search the photos and videos that you captured with your smartphone, Board-the, add some effects and, if the user so desires, create a slideshow profile.

Users who have captured at least five photos or videos with your smartphone in the past 24 summer hours Facebook to create the slideshow. The user can, after, choose the 'filter'.

Twitter also does not escape the wave of news and soon will be able to add stickers (or, in Portuguese, stickers) the images published on the site.

The new tool should be available soon for iOS and Android and will allow customize photos with "hundreds of accessories, emoji and props ", as already happens on Facebook and Snapchat, and you can change the size, direction and position.

However, Twitter has a unique asset to your app, since these adhesives will work as hashtags. Whenever you publish or display an image with a sticker, just click on it to discover other images with the same sticker.

Fed up with news? Here's another but with a great deal of nostalgia: Dragon Ball will return to Portuguese television.

SIC confirmed that acquired the rights to Super Dragon Ball, the new saga of the series in the late 90 won young and old in Portugal and around the world.

The TV channel also confirmed that the anime will be bent by the Portuguese Audio In Studio, the question is whether the old team of voice actors is available, something that would please fans.

We ended up with cinema and the debut of the week.

We highlight the film "Free State of Jones" (“Free State of Jones” no título original).

This drama directed by Gary Ross has actor Matthew McConaughey, Gugu Mbatha-supported by Raw and Mahershala Ali.

Set during the American Civil War, "Jones Free State" tells the story of southern farmer Newt Knight (Matthew McConaughey) and his extraordinary armed rebellion against the Confederacy. Joining forces with other small local farmers and slaves, Knight sparked a revolt that led to the Jones County, no Mississippi, became independent of the other Confederate States, thus creating the Free State of Jones.

It remains to peek at the trailer

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