Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): apps, streaming conditioned and console market.

Second Kaspersky, 83 in each 100 mobile applications access to sensitive user data, reaching even, sometimes, to obtain the necessary authorizations to make phone calls and send text messages directly from the equipment where they were installed.

The study “My Precious Data: Digital clutter and its dangers” It was made 17 countries, among them Portugal, and the company accuses the users not being very careful with the information you keep on their phones, indicating that estes “expose their devices and personal data security threats, failing to simple protective measures such as upgrading the system”.

Alfonso Ramírez, Iberian head of Kaspersky, explains that the excess data storage on devices “It shows that the maintenance of the applications is to be neglected”.

On the other hand there are also applications that can run in the background without any authorization of users.

We continue with data from Kaspersky, including Kaspersky Lab, but now we focus on national data.

According to information gathered by the company, 62,5 % Portuguese state that update their apps and operating systems according to user recommendations.

In Portugal, users install 18 Android apps per month - on phone, tablet or computer. Besides, only about half of the Portuguese users (54,4%) review regularly the content you have on your device and delete documents and applications you no longer use.

Overall the survey indicates that 28% users just make updating your applications when they are required and 10% do not admit the whole, a behavior that affects only 3,3% Portuguese.

Or Spotify preparing to implement one of the most controversial measures since its foundation. According to the international press, streaming platform will move to veto access to part of its catalog of songs to users not subscribers, just opening the entire collection to those who subscribe to the premium program.

According to The Verge this new policy will serve as an argument to Spotify time to renew distribution licenses with some publishers, to ensure an exclusive availability to subscribers, also ensure more revenue for each time a song is played.

The implementation of this new system may still be far from realization, but it is thought that the company has already introduced the clause in some of the contracts with record. Segundo o Financial Times, this is also a way to make the business more attractive to future investors during a possible initial public offering since the percentages paid to publishers will be reduced in the case of free reproductions.

A report by IHS Markit reveals that the global market shrank consoles 2,5% in 2016 and the amount spent by consumers was $34.7 thousand millions.

This number represents band consoles, games, services and additional content, which means that the number of consoles sold and lowered profits generated was lower as the selling price of the consoles also lowered.

The other side, the sale of video games and related content increased, both in physical and digital format. According to the data presented by IHS, one of the major responsible for this was the PlayStation 4, whose sales of video games have increased and consumers spent more money on subscriptions.

In 2016, Sony was responsible for 57% of the console market, representing $19.7 billion spent on games, consoles and services. that number, $17.8 billion were generated solely by PS4, which he attributed to the console 51% market share. And it is likely that Sony continues to dominate in 2017.

No cinema, We chose to highlight the premiere of the film "Intelligent Life" (“Life†no título original).

This film goes by fiction genres and thriller and has conducting Daniel Espinos. The cast includes a trio of actors that allows us to assess the quality of production: Jake Gyllenhaal, Rebecca Ferguson e Ryan Reynolds.

"Intelligent Life" tells the story of six members of the International Space Station crew at the time that it comes across one of the most important discoveries in human history: the first evidence of extraterrestrial life on Mars. As the crew begins the search, their methods end up having unintended consequences and the way of life proves to be smarter than you ever expected.

The trailer gives us a good idea of ​​what we can expect from this film:

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