Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): e-commerce without borders and market changes.

The European Parliament approved new rules that defend the same purchasing conditions throughout the European Union, wherever it is ciberconsumidor.

The vote had 557 votes in favor, 89 against and 33 abstentions.

A "draft regulation on measures against geographical blockade and other forms of discrimination based on nationality, place of residence or establishment of domestic customers "now passed had been completed with a political agreement between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, in order to end the unjustified geoblocking.

The new regulation intended to be given access to goods and services under the same conditions of acquisition across Europe, regardless of where the consumer is.

The new regulation for geoblocking still needs to be formally approved by the Council. The new rules come into force until nine months after its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union, in other words, always before the end of 2018.

According to a study da Check Point Software Technologies, the second half 2017, 20% of companies was victim of criptojacking. The data appear in the report H2 2017 Global Threat Intelligence Trends Report.

The document said that, no criptojacking, cybercriminals use tools that allow them to take ownership of the capacity and resources of the CPU or GPU of other users to extract criptomoedas, by using 65% the user terminal's ability.

Maya Horowitz, director of Check Point's threat intelligence group, He explains that "the growing popularity and value of criptomoedas led to a significant increase in its distribution", having become the preferred method of attack for cybercriminals for illicit proceeds.

The study also states an insight into the landscape of cyber threats in the main malware categories. Especially the leadership of ransomware, used both for global attacks as directed against specific organizations.

Another major malware trends were the attacks on businesses through mobile devices, with the use of smartphones as proxies.

O Windows 10 Microsoft is already the most widely used operating system, surpassing Windows 7 in terms of global market share, controlling 42.78% do mercado, in January 2018.

O Windows 7 It continues to be widely used, with 41.86% QUOTA market, and Windows 8.1 is in the third position, with just 8.72%. Despite the lack of security support for the OS, Windows XP still has 3.36% do mercado, a decrease of 2.36% over the same period last year.

Microsoft's goal is to maintain the growing trend of Windows 10 and achieve superior value to 50% User.

another change market leader gives up with Samsung to now be the company that leads the semiconductor market. The South Korean company shipped a record amount of chips that allowed him to raise about $69.1 billion, numbers reported last year.

From 1992 Intel was the largest chipmaker in the world, or represents 25 year rule. Even so, in 2017 there was an increase 6% in revenues from Intel with semiconductor, a value $62.8 billion.

Beads made, Samsung has a breakthrough 10% in terms of overall revenue.

And in film, the highlight of this week goes to the film "All the World's Money" (“All The Money in The Worldâ€, no title).

This drama is directed by the renowned director Ridley Scott and has known actors to the general public, nomeadamente Mark Wahlberg, Michelle Williams e Christopher Plummer.

This film tells the story of the kidnapping of John Paul Getty III, a teenage 16 years and grandson of the richest man in the world, Mr. Getty. Realizing that the kidnappers demand an exorbitant amount of money, your mother, Gail, quickly turns to father for help.

Here is the link to peek at the trailer:

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