Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): Contactless to grow, dependence on smartphones and games.

Payments made through contactless cards MasterCard and Maestro had an exponential growth (more 145% the previous year), which reflects the involvement of European new payment methods and reveals trust in contactless technology.

In the interests of fraud in this form of payment to download 24% compared to the previous year, 24% of Europeans would be available to join the idea of ​​making payments with their wearables.

The Dutch users are more confident in these technologies and those who already use massively this payment method (41%). As such, is in the country of tulips that a bank (ABN AMRO), in partnership with Mastercard, will introduce a pilot project that involves testing contactless payment via wearables as rings, watches, bracelets or key.

At least innovative.

A study of Motorola reveals that 33% of respondents giving a higher priority to their smartphones to friends and family. This is a conclusion that accompanies especially the younger participants, born between the years 1990 and 2000.

However, 60% of the study participants considered it important to have a separate life of smartphones, They were identified three major problems with the connection to smartphones.

Within this point most recognized that checks their devices compulsively, It spends too much time to use them and still have an emotional overdependence.

And you, resists your smartphone?

No field das consoles, with the current success of PlayStation 4, accompanied by the model Pro, Sony shows no hurry to introduce the successor.

Whereas the competitor has the Xbox One X in the market, the next console of the Japanese company (Chama-let the PlayStation 5) You should only get 2020

According to the analyst of the NPD, Mat Piscatella, the PS4 should have at least two more years very strong in terms of sales, wherein 2018 will exceed 2019, when possibly, a base da PlayStation 4 reach the 100 million units.

Even so, is inevitable we start talking of PS5 soon. When asked about a potential release date for the next generation of consoles Sony, Piscatella pointed 2020 as the ideal time to launch.

As for games, You know what were the most mentioned on Twitter at 2017?

The list of 10 more games mentioned in the social network over 2017 It was revealed by Twitter itself. It was also revealed that, over the past year, They were recorded over 218 million tweets about video games, wherein Pokemon was the most mentioned.

The list features some recent releases, and who continue to enjoy great success.

This is the list of 10 more games mentioned on Twitter at 2017, ordered from first to tenth place: Pokemon (@Pokemon), Fate/Grand Order (@fgoproject), Monster Strike (@MStrikeOfficial), Splatoon (@SplatoonJP), Ensemble Stars (@ensemble_stars), Minecraft (@Minecraft), Granblue Fantasy (@GranblueUSA), Dragon Quest (@DragonQuest), Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) e Tap Tap Fish (@taptapfish).

And we end with cinema and the highlight, between the premieres this week, goes to the film "The Red Guard" (“Red Sparrow†no título original.

Este thriller, by Francis Lawrence, It features Jennifer Lawrence in the lead role, It is accompanied by Jeremy Irons, Charlotte Rampling e Joel Edgerton.

Jennigfer Lawrence Dominika Egorova, the newest recruit of a secret service agency that trains exceptional young people like her to use their bodies and minds as weapons. After enduring all the vicious, sadistic training, it proves to be the most dangerous agent that the program has produced. Dominika will have to reconcile the person who was with the power it now holds, with his own life and those you care about, including an American CIA agent who tries to convince her that he is the only person you can trust.

Here's the trailer:

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