Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): business, habits and a classic return to film.

For the fifth year consecutive, Apple returned to be considered the most valuable brand in the world.

The technology company tops the list drawn up by Interbrand and is followed by Google and Microsoft. Amazon, Samsung, Facebook and IBM are also in the top ten brands highlighted by the ranking.

Interbrand justifies the decision to put Apple as the most valuable brand in the world with the company's financial performance, the influence on consumer choice and the consolidation of its market position Premium.

Note to the presence of seven technology companies in the top 10.

A study conducted to European companies by Kaspersky Lab revealed different levels of preparation for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Portugal are among the least prepared, just ahead of Norway and Belgium.

Within nine months of the implementation, experts of Information Technology (TI) in Portugal admit to not be fully ready to receive the new regulation (26%). The same goes for IT makers of Norway (25%) and Belgium (18%), country where the regulation was created, and which occupies the last place in all aspects of GDPR.

On the other hand, a large majority of respondents in the UK (82%), France (82%), Germany (84%), Italy (85%) and Spain (84%) He said preparations are routed. Instead, only 29% IT professionals in Denmark made any preparation, a similar number in Portugal (26%), Norway (25%) and Belgium (18%).

Now imagine that back to school (is still studying does not take much effort)! What is chronobiology?

Well ... chronobiology studies the inner rhythm of the body and divides the population into three basic chronotypes: morning, ou indifferent evening. And that may have influence on social behavior, in this particular case, relations in social networks.

That's what Talayeh Aledavood studied, in other words, a researcher at the University of Aalto, Finland, analyzed the social network and the sleep patterns of more than 1.000 individuals for a period of one year.

Volunteers were classified as "larks" if they had a larger morning activity (between five and seven in the morning) and as "owls" if they were more active between midnight and two am. The remaining, more than half of the participants, They were classified as intermediate.

After, It was created a social network that showed connections from all participants, and then passed to the analysis of associated social networks to the "owls" and the “cotovias”.

Second researcher, the results allow us to recognize that “active throughout the night owls have more extensive personal networks than morning, although less frequent contacts for each member of the network”, It is also more central in the social network.

One in four Portuguese watch movies online series and the trend is more than national, since the world is the same.

In our country, one in four Internet users watch movies online series and among young people this proportion nearly triples.

Data are from Bareme Internet Marktest indicating there 2 million and 129 thousand residents in Portugal who see movies, series or documentaries online, or 24,9% the universe under analysis.

Age is clearly the variable that most distinguishes the Portuguese. This habit is common to 70% of youth 15 to 24 year old, contrary to 1% registered with the elderly over 64 year old.

The value shown by the younger is thus almost three times higher than the average.

By class, the value of retreats 43% with the highest grades for 7,6% along the lower.

Finally, o cinema, with film "Blade Runner 2049" to reach the rooms.

Denis Villeneuve is the director of this film that combines science fiction and thriller genres as dominant, but also joins a cast full of stars.

A Ryan Gosling, Jared Leto e Ana de Armas junta-se Harrison Ford (which reappears in this cinematic universe thirty years after the events of the first film. Now, K, a new blade runner, LAPD officer (Ryan Gosling), uncovers a secret long buried that could potentially plunge into the chaos that is left of society. The discovery of K takes you on a mission to locate Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), an old blade runner LAPD, missing for 30 year old.


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