Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): photographic statistics, more consoles and ... action

Each photo guard what is called metadata and includes, for example, the model and make of camera, the image of the technical definitions, the date and time, among other things.

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Radio Horizonte Algarve / Tavira

Although it is possible to remove the information on each image, most users and photographers who upload your files to online platforms for sharing images does not demonstrates this concern.

Under the statistical point of view this is the rich scenario data and, maybe, has motivated the creation of ExploreCams (, a website that reviews the technical information contained in each shared photo to, after, organize this statistical information in quantity, well presented form and available to all.

20160720nesclassic_800x800There are now millions of indexed photos, what gives rise to this address data as diverse as the ranking of use of cameras and lenses, by brand. Here, Canon is in the lead, followed by Sony and Nikon. A Apple vem logo a seguir, due to high rates of use of iOS devices to capture photos.

There is also information about the advanced settings most commonly used by photographers concerned, among other data, that make this site a good suggestion for lovers of photography.

Nintendo already officially confirmed that its new console, known for now as Nintendo NX, It will be launched in March 2017.

Nonetheless, as we know practically nothing about the same (or images), something that Nintendo claims to be purposeful, it remains to pay attention to rumors.

The most recent points out that the new panel is a portable console with the possibility to be connected to the TV, going out to the rumors that suggested a hybrid console.

Basically, according to, NX will have two facets: away from home will be a powerful handheld console with its own screen, but at home gains strength the ability to connect it to the TV to play in close-up. The connection is made through a base, which will connect the center console to the TV.

Another detail is that the screen supports two controls on either side, which can be placed or removed as they wish.

The chip chosen by Nintendo to give power to the NX is the Tegra processor from Nvidia, which is currently used in mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.

More curious is the format chosen to host the games, cartridges (really?!).

As fontes destas informações adiantam ainda que não haverá suporte para retro-compatibilidade, in other words, It will not be able to use the games of Wii U in NX.

As for the operating system, this should be developed by Nintendo, but as a handheld, Nintendo had to sacrifice the capabilities of NX to include all technologies in a small space.

For now, and to finish, the only game confirmed by Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but version NX has not been shown.

Also in the field consoles and a return to the past that is becoming usual, now it was the turn of SEGA announce a return: a Mega Drive.

Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the franchise Sonic the Hedgehog, Japanese technology will launch a modernized version of the console fixed and portable version released in 1988.

Both will arrive before the new Nintendo NES and the domestic version of the SEGA console should have 80 Pre-installed games (Sonic the Hedgehog, Streets of Rage, Shinobi 3, Mortal Kombat, Shadow Dancer and Golden Axe are some examples) and enabling two players to play simultaneously through two new wireless controllers. On the other hand, compatibility with oldsters game cartridges also appears to be feasible.

As for the portable version of the Mega Drive, It will be compatible with any ROM with SD memory cards to feature. The console also has a screen 3.2 inches and a rechargeable battery.

Both consoles are now available for booking on British online store FunStockRetro and portal Smyths. They cost about 50 pounds, in other words, 60 euros.

We end with cinema and choice as week's debut lies in "Jason Bourne".

In this film action / thriller, directed by Paul Greengrass (director of "Supremacy" and "Ultimatum"), Matt Damon returns to the protagonist, a cast that also includes actors and actresses such as Julia Stiles, Alicia Vikander, Vincent Cassel e Tommy Lee Jones.

Matt Damon returns as well to his most iconic role in this new chapter of the franchise Bourne in the CIA's most lethal former agent out of the shadow.

It remains to peek at the trailer:

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