Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): Facebook, YouTube and eSports na agenda.
A group of Researchers from Brigham Young University concluded that there are four kinds of people in Facebook.
The researchers started from a survey of 47 participants between 18 and 32 year old, which they had to categorize certain statements about Facebook and what it meant to each of them. It interviews followed each participant where the researchers sought to outline the type of user who had before them.
Segundo o The Next Web, the group has cataloged these four Facebook users groups: those who use this social network to maintain relationships with others (seeing the social network as an extension of real life); those who use it as a social obligation (taking the opportunity to see everything what others are doing without own shares); those who use it to share news (and keep them informed of all followers); and finally those who use it to collect likes, comments and shares (to show what they are doing at all times seeking attention).
And you, which group belongings?
Still on the Facebook, it seems that the social network Mark Zuckerberg is preparing to introduce a new tab in your web version, mobile application and television application.
Watch The name is and this is how Facebook will continue to compete with YouTube in video format.
Segudno o Engadget, the tab will be located at the top of the screen and aims to be a space dedicated to the Facebook partners (BuzzFeed, Tastemade, etc), as well as content creators (much like YouTube).
"We expect the Watch will become home to a wide variety of programs - of reality comedy to live sports. Some will be done by professionals and others by ordinary people in our community ", wrote Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, a publication of your personal page (
Needless to say, there is still no release date, however, it is possible that this happens over there to the end of the month.
And speaking of YouTube, this platform is testing views "at the moment" for mobile. The intention is to show the number of people who at the moment are watching the video, In real time.
The new feature is being tested on Android platform for a select group of users and it is not known when it will be available to the general public.
According to Android Police, the count will be positioned below the headline, on the right side. Comes the new "counter", disappears the total number of views, at least at first glance.
The second line of information remains the same with the taste buds and do not like, the share and add.
Competitions eSports are gaining more and more popularity and visibility and the next step may be to take the sport to the Olympic Games.
The Associated Press says that the Olympic Committee of Paris is studying the possibility to come to include these competitions videogames Olympics in Paris 2024 and will even meet soon with representatives of eSports to try to understand the popularity of these competitions.
"We have to analyze why we can not say 'Are not we. It has nothing to do with [Games] Olympic '. The youth, but they are interested in the eSports and this sort of thing. Let's look. Come meet us. Let's see if we can get bridges ", said the co-chairman of the Olympic Committee of Paris, Tony Estanguet.
The next step is to meet with the International Olympic Committee to present the proposal and the organization will have the final decision on the inclusion of electronic sports in the Olympic Games.
Now the suggestion of movie between the premieres of the week.
We came to the rooms the film "The Dark Tower", a film where reigns the action, adventure and fiction, e que tem Nikolaj Arcel como realizador.
Cast the focus is on the hero Idris Elba and the villain Matthew McConaughey.
The Dark Tower is an original story master Stephen King, where there are other worlds beyond this. no film, Gunman the Knight, Roland Deschain (Idris Elba), It is trapped in an eternal battle with Walter O'Dim, also known as the Black Man (Matthew McConaughey).
With the world's fate at stake, good and evil collide in a final battle where only Roland can defend the Dark Tower (structure that maintains the universe unit) the Black Man.