Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): photo subjects, site for learning, curious pattern and consoles.
A study of Portuguese habits shows that the smartphone is virtually tied with the machine's time to choose the best device to take photos.
The results, performed by Dreambooks, also indicate that less than half of the Portuguese (40%) print their images on paper.
The majority (next to 75%) publishes photos on social networks like Facebook, or Instagram, o Snapchat ou o Twitter, but these, 60% shares less than five images. More than 10 photos posted on social networks just right 4% of respondents.
Of the universe 2.430 Photography consumers surveyed by Dreambooks, 37% usually take pictures less than five times a week, while 35% strip five and 10 Times a week. Only 28% admit taking pictures more than 10 Times a week.
Another study, Hopper carried out by HQ, He decided to examine the behavior of about four thousand accounts on Instagram. With the data collected it was established that the periods between 18.00 and 19.30 (for a week) e as 11h00 (during the weekend) are the ideas for those who want to maximize the reach of their publications.
On the other hand, publications related to personal experiences seem to be the most popular among users of Instagram. Photos trips or images to report the weight loss process are the ones that ensure engagement by Internet users.
The study also confirm that female users are who gets the most attention on the platform. Were analysed 1.2 million publications and found that as a woman gets an average of 578 ‘likes’ e 170 Comments, men stand-by 117 ‘likes’ e 113 Comments.
now present a website that brings together dozens of disciplines and presents methods and bibliographies to learn each of them the best way possible.
Marketing, Economy, Chemistry, Philosophy, Psychology, Mathematics, Right, Design, Programming, among many other areas are available to all who want to learn.
The site show you methods and bibliographies to learn quickly and practically any discipline. Chama-se Learn Anything, It is free and is available through this link:
It remains to say that the Learn Anything is linked to academic platforms like Wikiwand and the Khan Academy and other, as or Goodreads. Each of these plays an essential role in lessons, sometimes, They will require you to do certain activities in each.
We spent the focus for a test that assesses whether has the potential to be a millionaire.
To try to help you realize that you have the ideal personality type to become a millionaire, Time magazine created a test (English only) that classifies their answers and tells you immediately what your predisposition to accumulate wealth: low, medium or high.
The analysis is based on studies by Thomas Stanley and daughter Sarah Fallaw, made by datapoints.
You can test your tendency to be a multimillionaire this link:
The manufacturers consoles like Sony and Microsoft are betting on more frequent releases consoles. Currently, the cycle is roughly half of what it was the previous life cycle to the launch of a new platform and, apparently, this strategy has not so many 'fans'.
According to the annual study Games 360 Reports da Nielsen Games, only a small part of the gaming community is interested in acquiring a console like PlayStation 4 Sony Pro. The reason seems to not only be related to a matter of communication effectiveness less than expected as well for not having enough players 'hardcore' who are willing to make this investment plus.
Quanto in Scorpio, as has not yet been released by Microsoft is too early to outline scenarios, but should register a similar panorama.
No cinema, It is there the movie "Alien: Covenantâ€. The Alien is back with actors like Michael Fassbender, Katherine Waterston and James Franco who give life to this fiction film, terror e thriller.
Ridley Scott returns to the universe that created when performing a new chapter of its innovative franchise, Alien.
Em “Alien: Covenantâ€, the crew of the ship Covenant, bound for a remote planet across the galaxy, discovers what he believes is an undiscovered paradise, but it is actually a strange and dangerous world. When they discover a threat beyond your imagination, they try a harrowing escape.
Here is the trailer: