Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): Brands, Video sharing, of pictures, etc.

Know what the most valuable brands in the world? We know and share with you!

The analysis is of Kantar Millward Brown consulting and, no surprise, the technology sector and the United States dominate the list of most valuable brands of the current economic world.

The list of brands with more value, taking into account the size of the respective companies and the relative importance in the economy, has the following top 10: 10Th – McDonald’s – brand value: 83,1 billion; 9Th – IBM – value: 86,9 billion; 8Th – Tencent – 92,2 billion; 7Th – Visa – 94,4 billion; 6Th – AT&T – 97,9 billion; 5Th – Facebook – 110,4 billion; 4Th – Amazon – 118,5 billion; 3Th – Microsoft – 121,9 billion; 2Th – Apple – 199,7 billion; e 1ª – Google – 209 billion.

And that tells us a website that shows the best drones pictures? In the background is a site that mixes video enthusiasts, especially those who like to share, with the idea of ​​discovering the best images in the world.

O site Travel by Drone ( functions as an aggregator of video captured by drones all over the world and you can find more or less amateur but also professional video productions, many of them raised in the context of specific projects and advertising campaigns.

The interface displays a map where you can search for videos from a certain location.

You can search by location, choose to see the latest videos, or best of the year, but above all it is a good or Google Maps StreetView.

And attention. This database is growing.

Sharing video for sharing photos and a question: I knew that the photos you publish on Instagram can show you are depressed?

According to an investigation, the images that people post on social networks may indicate whether they are happy or sad and even detect a depression, prior to being diagnosed by the doctor.

The disease can be detected through an application. Chris Danforth, professor at the University of Vermont, who led the study with Andrew Reece, Harvard University, ensure that the algorithm can detect faster depression than the clinical diagnosis.

The detection rate 70% computers is more reliable than the success of 42% cases by the general medical doctors.

And what was the conclusion? Looking at the photos, using psychological information on the preference of the people by the brilliance, color and shadow, the researchers concluded that more depressed people tended to publish photographs on average more melancholic, darker and less quality than those published by healthy people. They also found that healthy people used filters that give photos a more warm and bright tone. In depressed people the most popular filter is what makes your photos are in black and white.

"In other words, people suffering from depression are more likely to choose a filter that literally takes the color of the images you want to share ", investigators said.

After PlayStation 4, Spotify may be coming to Xbox One.

So says the The Verge, pointing to a post on Reddit where you can see the person responsible for Xbox Live, Larry Hryb, to use the application streaming music service.

The launch of Spotify for Microsoft's console still is just a rumor, one that holders of an Xbox One would love it to be true given that the application is an exclusive PlayStation for more than two years.

Given that Spotify is already entitled to its own application in the Windows Store, the launch for the Xbox One would be just a formality.

E to end We launched the debut of the week in the film world.

Now comes the salar the movie "Atomic Blonde – Special agent".

This film of action and thriller carried out by David Leitch has Charlize Theron, James McAvoy and Sofia Boutella in the lead roles.

The synopsis of Atomic Blonde brings us to the crown jewel of the Secret Intelligence Service of His Majesty, a agente Lorraine Broughton (Theron) that is as spies, as sensual and wild.

This authentic Atomic Blonde is willing to use any of your skills to survive the mission impossible faced. Sent to Berlin to extract a secret document that city in turmoil, It is required to join David Percival (James McAvoy), local chief of MI6, to get out the deadliest spy game that is caught.

Here is the trailer:

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