Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): a lot of internet and apps in confinement time.

When we are at home there are services that are used increasingly, in particular online services.

Ademar Days


Radio Horizonte Algarve / Tavira

Microsoft has announced that the use of its cloud services has greatly increased. Before, technology had increased by 500% Teams in your service.

According to Microsoft Azure, responsible for managing the cloud, the use of cloud services Redmond company, increased by 775%.

This increase is related to Windows Virtual Desktop, Power AS (marketing analysis software), Microsoft Teams and also a variety of components of the Xbox, as, for example, Xbox Game Pass, Xbox Live e Mixer.

With regard to games, Microsoft has made some adjustments, such as temporary blocking the creation of new profiles on Xbox Live and still trying to get updates to the game are made outside the hours of peak daily activity.

However, with respect to companies, Microsoft has detected that Windows Virtual Desktop was used by 3 times more people.

You can view all the information on Azure

The confinement due to Covid-19 leads to us to be more reliant on digital services, cases of social networks and messaging applications. WhatsApp is one of the most popular apps and now regitou increased utilization worldwide about 40%.

The data appear in the latest report from Kantar and show that countries where the situation is more serious reporting the greatest increase in the use. Spain is exemplary. Next door, increasing use was WhatsApp 76%.

The increase is not unique to WhatsApp and it was found also in the social network Facebook, an increase of 37%. Even Chinese social networks like WeChat and Weibo verified using increases of 58%.

We returned to WhatsApp where the latest beta version of the app indicates that soon will be able to use this messaging service on the smartphone and tablet simultaneously.

Information is the site WABetaInfo, noting that are necessary to be implemented security measures to ensure users that their messages are safe and that no one has responded to their accounts improperly.

The publication also notes that it continues to be referred to the ability to send messages that self-destruct, which indicates that the functionality continues to be developed in order to release the final version.

And as we have played many times in the phone here is a tip in the field of hygiene.

The General Directorate of Health (DGS) do not forget the need to clean the phone and explains how to do it.

In a video shared on YouTube, DGS to remember “per day, average, we took the pocket phone 200 times and played it over 2000”.

As such we must disinfect the unit. As? First turn off the power, remove the cover and clean it with a wipe or a previously cloth moistened with detergent or alcohol. Then wipe the screen and all surfaces.

You can see the video where the DGS explains the procedure in

To end the talk Calendall, the schedule of all performances live on Instagram and Facebook.

musicians, comedians, actors but also personal trainers and influencers are focusing on creating content on social networks. Calendall Portuguese is the free platform that already has hundreds of 300 suggestions organized 16 categories and that promises to grow in the near future.

“All that is to be broadcast live on the Internet will be available in Calendall, so that the Portuguese did not lose anything that most important is to be produced or transmitted”, said in a statement on this event aggregator.

In addition to music, comedy and drama, are sections for Children, Health & Welfare, Sports, Games, Reading or Networking.

This is the site:

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