Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): many new data, gadgets and an epic battle.

Spotify says that its active user base grew from 75 million for 100 million, and these, 30 million are paid subscribers.

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Radio Horizonte Algarve / Tavira

The company recently launched a new payment option that you want to leverage the subscription premium services: o Premium for Family. With it allows a premium account to group other additional five for a monthly fee of 10,99 euros.

Beads made, Apple Music rival service still has a long way to go to take the throne to Spotify.

We US, a Microsoft study and Columbia University found that 59% the links shared on Twitter are never clicked, even by users who have shared the link.

The study collected data for a month and included 2.8 million shares on the BBC Twitter accounts, CNN, Fox News, New York Times e Huffington Post.

Data analysis shows that clicks on the social network are generated by a small group of articles, about 9% of items to collect 90% Clicks on Twitter.

IDC forecasts that wearables market will register a strong growth and achieve 213 million units sold per year by 2020.

Since by the end of 2016, the company estimates that the wearable device market to reach 101,9 million units sold, increased 29% compared to last year.

On the other hand it is expected that the annual growth rate in the market remains above 20% In the next years, which should allow to reach a total of 213,6 million units sold 2020.

Currently, 50% the market is the fitness bracelets, with 40% to be delivered to smartwatches. The forecast indicates that smartwatches stay with 52% the market 2020, with fitness bracelets have a market share of 28,5%.

Global market or national market for. A Samsung Gear 360 It is now available in selected online stores in Portugal.

The virtual reality camera from Samsung is compatible with smartphones the same brand, As or S7, S7 Edge, S6 Edge+, S6 Edge e S6.

The selling price to the public is recommended 349,90 euros.

A new futuristic passed to other more related to the past.

The Hyperkin presented a peripheral during the last edition of E3 that will allow running the GameBoy cartridges on a smartphone.

The smartboy is built in the image of the first GameBoy released 1995 and uses the smartphone screen to play the first Nintendo handheld console games.

this gadget, initially only compatible with Android devices, It acts as a physical controller for mobile devices, but the detail to include a slot to run the classic GameBoy cartridges make smartboy a desirable device for retro gamers.

For the public the device will cost 60 dollars, about 53 €, and will be available from day 1 of December. Pre-orders for the developer kit can already be made.

A reinvention of Hyperkin that allows revive not only the GameBoy as its famous cartridges.

Even in the universe digital games, the Machinima will have a channel on Portuguese television in the coming months.

A plataforma de transmissão de videojogos e vídeos de animação chega a Portugal através da AMC Networks e das operadoras de telecomunicaçÔes nacionais.

Da sua programação vĂŁo contar produçÔes originais como a sĂ©rie “Street Fighter: Ressurrection” e o reality show de eSports “Training Camp”, “The Bacca Chronicles”, apresentado pelo popular JeromeASF, e a sĂ©rie “Transformers: The Combiner Wars”.

Os programas vão ser transmitidos em televisão e em aplicaçÔes dedicadas para Android e iOS na modalidade SVOD (o mesmo praticado pelo Netflix).

A Machinima tem, currently, uma audiĂȘncia de 150 milhĂ”es de pessoas por mĂȘs.

And we end with cinema and the debut of the week.

Destaque para o filme “O Dia da IndependĂȘncia: Nova Ameaça”, do realizador Roland Emmerich.

Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum e Bill Pullman são alguns dos atores que compÔem o elenco desta película que mistura ação, aventura e ficção científica.

Nesta sequela de “O Dia da IndependĂȘncia” (chegou Ă s salas em 1996) a catĂĄstrofe global atinge um nĂ­vel inimaginĂĄvel. AtravĂ©s de tecnologia alienĂ­gena recuperada da primeira invasĂŁo, as naçÔes da Terra tĂȘm colaborado em conjunto num enorme programa para proteger o planeta, mas nada nos pode preparar para a força avassaladora e sem precedentes dos aliens.

Uma batalha contra a extinção que pode espreitar em

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