Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): a lot of studies, a useful site and a farewell.
The technology permite e obriga que os utilizadores mudem os seus hábitos. When to watch videos passes option, increasingly, the use of smartphones and other mobile devices, over computers.
The Multichannel site cites a study by AOL and states that 86% consumers prefer to watch videos on smartphones, while 70% prefer to watch on computers.
Besides, 57% He said consuming videos on your phone every day and 58% on laptops and computers. These results show that "much the smartphone will soon be the preferred way to watch videos".
The study also showed that this paradigm shift is also accompanied by increased consumption of videos in shorter format. 42% of respondents said watching videos with five minutes or less.
A study Kantar TNS shows that in 2012 only 3% Portuguese had a tablet, a smartphone and a PC. today are 23% those who use this trio simultaneously. But there is another device connected to the Internet that is taking its place. The Smart TVs are already in 27% of Portuguese houses.
The national scene is dominated by smartphones. In Portugal, the smart mobile phones utilization rate increased from 18% to 59%.
It is among young people under 25 years that this gadget has its most significant use and social networks (83%) They are the strongest argument for using mobile internet. Watch videos, find information and shop, or search for information about products, They are other common activities.
Another study, este publicado pelo Blancco Technology Group, It shows that iPhone models are less reliable than the corresponding smartphones with Android operating system. The analysis also shows that the number of failures experienced by iOS users increased every quarter last year.
The data reveal that in the last quarter of 2016 iOS devices have a failure rate of 62%, as Android to us were 47%.
Of all the iPhone models analyzed the iPhone 6 It is the most recurrently failure. The most frequent crashes on iOS devices relate to the touch screen, unexpected application termination and overheating.
No camp two Android, the study indicates that Samsung continues to have smartphones with more failures. The performance of the camera and the battery charging are the main problems indicated in the case of this operating system.
If you have set up your computer or want to do it soon probably already know the difficulties that await. Are, on the one hand, the large amount of market supply requires you to be constantly looking for components, for another, is no guarantee that these parts are compatible with each other.
Now there is a site that promises to facilitate this process. Try-se do CraftMyBox ( and you can choose from an extended list of processors, fans, graphics card, RAM memory, internal storage, among other relevant components.
Once all components chosen, You can test the compatibility between them, ensuring that the created computer itself functions as intended.
A study da McMaster University, from Canada, in partnership with other US institutions concluded that the most important member of a band is bassist.
The explanation is this: "The perception of higher time exists for a lower tone explains why these are instruments to create musical rhythms", which means that the lower is the most important tool within a song.
According to the analysis, the human brain finds it easier to detect and understand the pace when it is given in a lower tone, being a music listener will easily dance or keep pace with the body in songs where the bass is prominent.
No cinema, the debut of the week that will highlight for the film "Logan", the last time that Hugh Jackman will wear the Wolverine fur (at least that is what is said!).
In the near future, a tired Logan takes care of Professor X in difficulty, hidden in the Mexican border. But attempts to Logan to hide from the world and his legacy end when a young mutant arrives, being chased by dark forces.
In parting way (Hugh Jackman as) peek at the trailer = shCRcjkIPu0