Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): new features, important emails and several lists 100.

Videos live and temporary posts are about to be introduced on Instagram. Before it was a rumor, It is now official and the daylight will emerge in the coming weeks through an application update.

Ademar Dias peq._800x800better explaining the features ... direct will work similarly to Facebook livestreams, in which case the integrated Stories where it will be possible to share photos, videos, e gifs, now, the desired live broadcasts.

Such as Facebook, the app will send a notification to your contacts every time they come into direct, which means you will also receive a notification each time one of your contacts initiate a transmission.

Already temporary messages are another announced news and will work similarly to that are offered by Snapchat.

What is the best time of day to send important emails?

Seegundo a study by Grammarly even exist ideal moments to prepare the perfect email.

After analyzing billions of words written by the users, the Grammarly found that people tend to give less grammatical errors and typos afternoon, namely between 13.00 and 17.00.

The analysis concluded that both people who send emails too early (entre as 04h00 e as 8h00) how that send too late (entre as 22h00 e as 2h00) They gave rooks bad writing several words, but owls were the most confused similar words.

A Revista Time chose the 100 most influential images of all time.

The prestigious US magazine launched a multimedia project with this selection of images that includes a book, videos and a website.

Many of the selected images, photographs or 'frames’ (film segments), They are known to the public and are part of the collective memory.

We will not give examples, much less go into detail. The best thing is to visit this site:

We continue to address us in the choices of Time, since the magazine named the PlayStation VR as one of the "Best Inventions of 2016.".

The virtual reality device from Sony is the only one of its kind in list, beyond the only product also be connected to the video game.

Time highlighted the affordability of Sony's helmet as the main advantage over its competitors.

"People usually have to spend thousands of dollars, not only for the helmet (As or HTC Live $800), but also a computer that is powerful enough to support it. In contrast, VR PlayStation from Sony is designed to work with a console that millions of people already have. "

In the list of US magazine also included one protéstico arm with similar accessories with toys, a compact air purifier, a tennis who tie themselves and tires spinning in all directions.

Move to the music field and returned to another top 100. This time we talk about the hundred best albums 2016 for ditora mythical and London record store Rough Trade.

The top of the list is occupied by "Post Pop Depression", Iggy Pop album in partnership with Josh Homme, being or top 10 occupied by names like Anohni, Angel Olsen ou Car Seat Headrest.

Consultation lists two 100 best albums of the year for Rough Trade in

No cinema, as Week debut highlight "Animals Night" (“Nocturnal Animals†no título original).

This film's screenwriter and director Tom Ford has Amy Adams actress and actor Jake Gyllenhaal in the lead roles.

It is a romantic thriller about intimacy and obsession, exploring the fine line between love and cruelty, revenge and redemption, with the two protagonists interpret a divorced couple who not only discovers terrible truths about each other, but also about themselves.

Let's peek at the trailer:

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