Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): addiction to video games, brake ads, and more, anything else.
The World Health Organization Health acknowledged an addiction to video games as a new mental disorder. According to WHO, the disorder (which in English is called "gaming disorder") It is characterized by a "obsessive behavior pattern with the videogames".
In the draft document ( It is presenting the new diseases that will be included in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems with, WHO, the vice of video games is identified as a problem capable of causing suffering to those who suffer it.
The document states that patients who have this medical condition "can not dominate their relationship with video games", leaving the frequency, intensity, duration and context of their habits outside their own control.
WHO also says that those who give priority to video games up "other interests and activities", increasing the frequency with playing "despite the occurrence of negative consequences", They are also showing symptoms identified with this disorder.
O Google Chrome will allow to block the most annoying ads the internet. New functionality must be active at the beginning of this year 2018, more precisely 15 Feb..
According to venturebeat, Enabling this feature will happen with the release of Chrome updates 64 (23 January) e Chrome 65 (6 March).
Reportedly, the update aims to improve the user experience and not block all ads.
Only ads that violate principles set by Google will be blocked, including ads that start with sounds automatically or requiring users to wait before the page loads.
Microsoft tem Now an exchange service operating in Portugal. The service allows you to receive money for products such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and game consoles. In the background allows us rid of them, taking advantage of the money to buy a new Microsoft Store product, as, an Xbox One X or a portable Surface.
The service asks you to introduce the device details, as the serial number and under what conditions is (working or not). The form also asks for the address and bank account, but the device's collection is made free.
The values ​​vary by device, They are not very appealing, but the service focuses on convenience and ease.
Here is the Microsoft exchange service link:
now we to know a website that shows some comparisons between countries.
The "If It Were My Home" shows two different places statistics and makes a comparison that includes various information, wants the social and historical, both health and environment. various information such as the size of the country, the average income, expectation of life, how much is spent on health care and leisure time are some examples.
After, through a color coding (negative and positive comparisons red green) You can have an immediate perception of how the chosen areas are compared.
Another feature is the existence of the category "Disasters" that allows to realize the magnitude of some situations.
Here is the link to the page:
No cinema, is there the film "Suburbicon", um thriller realizado por George Clooney (sim, the actor). And the cast is also luxurious, with names like Matt Damon, Julianne Moore e Oscar Isaac, among the highlights.
This film takes us to Suburbicon, the perfect place to install a family. That's what happens with the Lodge family in summer 1959, however, the facade of tranquility hides a disturbing reality and Gardner Lodge, the Lodge family patriarch, You will have to navigate the dark backstage suburbs, their betrayals, lies and violence.
Peek the trailer