Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): videos banned, archive, music and… Thanos.
YouTube announced have removed over 8,3 million of his platform videos, only between the months of October and December 2017. Videos of a violent nature and / or offensive are among the deleted content.
The company said that "most of these videos was mostly SPAM or people trying to upload adult content – and represent a small fraction of the total YouTube views during this same period ".
The company also took the opportunity to highlight the importance of machine learning technologies in this task. According to the portal, machines were responsible for signal 6,7 millions of deleted videos, wherein 76% such content even ended up being taken out before receiving any view.
Despite the usefulness of these technologies, YouTube also allows its users to report videos that integrate consider offensive content and / or violate the platform usage rules, so the human team will still be necessary to achieve some steps in this process of elimination.
Now we speak of, one project of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) what, in the back, is a repository of "first editions" of all pages' web’ created in Portugal, since it does is preserve the first version of the page 'web', before being modified, enlarged or extinct.
Daniel Gomes, manager ‘‘, states that 'online’ has long ceased to be a mere representation of information also existed on paper, which explains the importance of the intangible information file on which the current society.
“If not we keep the digital information, we have nothing. We produce a lot of information, but also lost a lot and when we try to access the information for a year or more, we have nothing”, says Daniel Gomes.
FCT data indicate that 80% pages' web’ disappear or are changed only after a year of its creation.
The website ( It brings together more than two million files from 1996 and it can be accessed from any computer or smartphone and works as a search engine.
We move to music and for a 'playlist' created by Spotify that identifies songs that inspire the most influential magazine TIME.
Songs are suggested by the celebrities that were entered in the list of 100 most influential personalities from the world of TIME magazine 2018 and form part 35 songs that personalities like Gal Gadot, Ryan Coogler, Satya Nadella, Jeff Bezos, Roger Federer Elon Musk or Jennifer Lopez found most inspiring.
Even if not especially inspiring for you, this 'playlist' always presents itself as an opportunity to hear quality music, did not tell her with Prince authored by tracks, Eminem, Diana Ross, The Beatles, Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan or Marvin Gaye.
Here is the link:
Even in music, there is a website where you can show your skills to compose electronic music quickly and very simple.
Chama-se Adventure Machine ( and it is a promotional tool DJ and French music producer Madeon, that in addition to fun, It is very simple to use.
All you need to generate music is to press the buttons on a grid of a square composed of 36 distinct sounds, separated by three colors. The blue squares define the knock, Compounds beats per loop. The green buttons are the choirs and voices, it is possible to keep this three sounds overlay attached category. Lastly, the red squares activate sounds of synthesizers and downs that give your music more body.
All samples were inspired by the artist's debut album and generate hundreds of different compositions. You can then share the link with music created on social networks Facebook and Twitter.
And in film, We have reached the film'Vingadores: War Infinito` (´Avengers: Infinity War` no tÃtulo original).
This film action is carried out by Russian brothers, Anthony e Joe, and has the Marvel heroes who used to see in the last 10 years played by actors like Robert Downey Jr, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, among others.
´Vingadores: Infinito` War brings to the big screen the biggest showdown of all time. The Avengers and its allies Super Heroes must be willing to sacrifice everything to try to defeat the mighty Thanos before its devastation and ruin attack ends with the universe.