Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): digital surveillance, gaming, many views and apes.

If one of those who fear your digital footprint, those who do not like others to know where to browse, what research, etc, these next lines are for you.

After all, or that Google knows whether? Believe, technological Mountain View has a lot of information about you.

Now you can erase all this information and, thus, at least, hinder the sale of this information by the company to advertisers…. although it is a platform managed by Google itself (will this digital footprint is even cleared?) Through the platform 'My Activity' ( You can see everything that Google knows about you.

In the side menu that is available on the left you can find the "Delete activity by 'option and, so, delete everything that Google has collected about you. If you wish you can also avoid to collect data about you, so also can not take advantage of personalized services YouTube or Google Maps.

Can not escape completely surveillance, but at least come to believe that you have more control over their online activity.

The gaming industry continues to focus on traditional consoles and is not expected to change the trend.

However, Global Report Games Market 2017 the Newzoo concluded that 32% of global revenues, in this year, They must originate in smartphones, face to 31% consoles. Third in the computers come (23%), tablets with still have a considerable weight (10%) and, Lastly, games through the browser (4%).

The area of ​​Asia and the Pacific represent 47% profits. América do Norte is the second region with more profits (25%) and Europe, Middle East and Africa are in third place (24%). Latin America is the region that generates less profit, only 4% do total. In general, the study shows that the gaming industry is expected to reach revenues of 108,9 billions of dollars in 2017.

China continues to be singled out as the country with the most profits (next to 28 billions of dollars) in 2017 and, right after, come the United States and Japan.

Data arising the same week that the year 2019 It is appointed to the arrival of a new PlayStation, at least to trust the words of the head of brand for América do Norte, Shawn Layden, which confirmed plans to launch a PlayStation 5.

Now, Michael Pachter analyst reveals that the next PlayStation console should get 2019. The expert believes that this model will not be a just a new version of the console like PlayStation 4 Pro but a true successor.

Para a PC Mag, Pachter bases for this forecast are linked to the flat-sales expectation 4K, something that will be virtually guaranteed in next generation consoles.

Although still difficult to know for sure what will offer the PlayStation 5, this analyst believes that backward compatibility with PlayStation 4 e a PlayStation 4 Pro is virtually guaranteed.

Now we talk about views. The video for "Gangnam Style" is no longer the most watched ever YouTube.

After five years in the lead, the theme of South Korean Psy was overtaken by "See You Again" Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth, theme of the soundtrack of the movie Fast and the Furious 7.

With nearly three billion views, the music video that serves as a tribute to Paul Walker, hitherto protagonist of the film saga, now it has nearly two thousand more plays than "Gangnam Style": 2 896 038 017 against 2 894 640 441, more precisely.

No top 10 the most viewed videos on YouTube are still "Sorry" Justin Bieber (third), “Uptown Funk†de Mark Ronson e Bruno Mars, among others.

Finally or film. Now comes to the rooms the movie "Planet of the Apes: A War " (“War for the Planet of the Apes†no título original.

The director Matt Reeves is responsible for the third chapter of this acclaimed blockbuster, which features actors like Woody Harrelson, Judy Greer e Andy Serkis (to interpret or simian Caesar).

As for the story of the film, in war, Caesar and his companions are forced into a deadly conflict with an army of humans led by a ruthless Colonel (Harrelson). After suffering unimaginable losses, César fight with his darker instincts and go on a mission to avenge his kind. As the journey ends, Cesar and Colonel confront each other in an epic battle that will determine the fate of their species and the future of the planet.

Here is the trailer of "Planet of the Apes: A War ":

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