Telechronics: PCs, video games and movie inspired in Portuguese.

In 2016 were sold 269,7 million personal computers, less 6,2% than in the previous year, second Gartner data.

Ademar Days


Radio Horizonte Algarve / Tavira

This is proof that the worldwide PC market continues to shrink and Gartner is not the only consultant that says. IDC forecasts go in the same direction: sales 260 million desktops, notebooks e tablets, a fall of 5,7%.

The amounts disclosed now show a downward trend that remains for five years.

The two consultants also agree as to who sold more in 2016, assigning the lead Lenovo - albeit with a drop 2,4% a 3%. The Chinese manufacturer sent to stores around 55 million units.

Second continues HP, with sales between 52 and 54 million units. Closing the podium is Dell, which sold more than 39 million computers, notebooks e tablets.

The three largest manufacturers focus 54,7% of total sales.

It has recently been Nintendo presented Switch and no information relevant to withdraw.

Since then the release date. The new Nintendo console hits the market the next day 3 March. We also know the price. The Switch comes with a price $299.99 ou dollars £ 279.99 GBP. The euro value was not reported, but some of the leading retailers of the old continent are putting the console in the region of € 330.

With the hybrid console also comes the Joy-Con left and right, the bracelets to hold the commands, um Joy-Con grip, a dock da Nintendo Switch, an HDMI cable and an AC power adapter. The Pro Controller will be available separately. And there are two models, in the two controllers are gray, on the other there is a blue and another red.

As for the price of accessories, this is the list:

Nintendo Switch Pro Controller – $69.99

Joy-Con Controller Sets – $79.99

Individual L/R Joy-Con Controllers – $49.99

Joy-Con Charging Grip – $29.99

Nintendo Switch Dock Set – $89.99

Joy-Con Wheel (Set of 2) – $19.99

Note also for the duration of battery, of course, may vary according to their use.

The duration of the Nintendo Switch battery will vary between the two and a half hours and six hours.

a segment where Nintedo loses to the competition is in ods online paid services field.

New data revealed by Superdata show that digital services like PlayStation Plus and Xbox Live Gold generate an incredible amount of revenue, $3 billion in 2016. Since the revenue generated by the sale of digital editions of games, and even micro-transactions, They are above $7 thousand millions.

According to the latest data, there are more than 21 million subscribers PlayStation Plus, and more 47 million Xbox Live Gold subscribers.

Nintendo seeks its share of this business and will launch a premium model for your Nintendo Switch.

We again 2016 to meet the most played video games on Steam last year, based on the average of players per hour.

The figures were collected through GitHyp (a tool to follow popular titles Steam) and Kotaku and reveal the gaming habits do not change easily, as the most played games on Steam in 2016 were all released before the year ended now.

This is the top:

Dota 2 / average 636,607 players per hour (launched in 2013)

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive / average 360,600 players per hour (2012)

Team Fortress 2 / average 50,802 players per hour (2007)

Grand Theft Auto V / average 40,258 players per hour (2015)

Sid Meier’s Civilization V / average 37,885 players per hour (2010).

we finished in seventh art with the return of Martin Scorsese.

The legendary director is back to cinematic labors with a movie where guided, not cast, the names of Adam Driver, Andrew Garfield e Liam Neeson.

We speak of "Silence", a drama that comes from the adaptation of the novel by Shusaku Endo about the tumultuous history of Christianity in Japan. In the seventeenth century, two come Jesuit priests of Portugal – Sebastião Rodrigues (Andrew Garfield) and Francisco Garrpe (Adam Driver) – travel to Japan, under church orders, hoping to find their mentor, the priest Cristóvão Ferreira (Liam Neeson), allegedly committed apostasy. In Nipponese lands under the Tokugawa shogunate regime, which banned Catholicism and almost all contact with foreign, the two young religious witness the persecution of Japanese Christians by the hand of his own government. possibly, the couple separates with Rodrigues to travel to the field, interrogating is about the silence of God the suffering of their children.

Here is the trailer:

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