Telechronics: Virtual realizade against fear and new data.
A group of scientists are creating virtual reality experiences that simulate the phenomenon of consciousness projection. The project has the ability to reduce the fear of death in users.
Radio Horizonte Algarve / Tavira
The experiments that resulted in this study were made using a headset Oculus Rift where it was reproduced content with a virtual human body designed to represent as the “cabin” user, thus stimulating their sense of ownership over it. Once the participant assimilated the illusion, your perspective changed from the first to the third person, creating an experience similar to that which is normally associated with the sensation caused by a phenomenon of this kind.
The experiment was conducted in 32 women and 16 of them say they have felt a body experience. After removing the headset, the participants made to feel less anxious in relation to death than those who failed to assimilate the phenomenon in its entirety.
The tests will continue, but early results are encouraging as the power of virtual reality in their potential medical applications. Inhibition of fears is just one of the skills that is being studied.
The Portuguese bind increasingly Internet, but spend less time on Facebook.
The creation of Mark Zuckerberg still leads in Portugal in number of users. Facebook was the social network with the largest number of unique visitors in the month of March, 3,119 million. YouTube took second, with 2,244 million and the third LinkedIn, with 550 thousand visitors. The data are from a joint study by the Mediapost and comScore and put following in the ranking Pinterest (401 thousand) and Instagram (385 thousand). Twitter appears only in sixth place. Featured WhatsApp, which have achieved in March its best performance ever among Portuguese: 79 thousand unique users.
It is worth noting the success LinkedIn, with 39 thousand pages visited and 511 thousand visitors to use the phone to access the professional social network.
Although Facebook lead in number of visitors, the time they have devoted to it very close to the time spent watching videos on YouTube. The trend is clear: this field Facebook is falling, while YouTube has to rise.
We speak now de ‘cyberbullying’, occurrence that proliferates on social networks, but now, a study also highlights the world of video games.
A study inquired 2,500 thousand players among 12 and 26 year old, of which 57% They say they have been subjected to abuse while playing online.
These players were targeted by 'trolls' (64%), Hate Speech (50%), threats (47%), not asked for sexual contact (39%) and shared private information (34%) and even computer invasions (38%). "If someone is not playing well will be bombarded with abuse. It is literally a chain and will say anything you can think of as 'I hope your parents die' and 'I will kill you' ", said one respondent players.
The abuse is constant and seven out of 10 Players states that 'cyberbullying' in online games should be taken more seriously, about half of respondents say that the players whether to bet on human moderators.
on consoles, Sony this week revealed that one in five PS4 is sold Pro.
Without giving specific figures but adding that the ratio is five to one, Jim Ryan, responsible for global sales, said the most powerful version of the PlayStation 4 exceeded the company's expectations, despite suffering a shortage of stock in stores.
Shawn Layden, presidente da Sony Interactive Entertainment America, added that “the rumors about the misfortune of the consoles are very premature. In fact, catching up to the NPD data for sales of the PS4 and Xbox One, the two together and the consoles have never been so vibrant and large as now. And this only in the United States.”
Ryan also said that “has been pleasant in América do Norte sell two paraum compared to Xbox One. But in Europe, It became a stronghold of PlayStation, with at least three to one in units sold.”
Layden also said that have been sold over one million units of the PlayStation VR, the virtual reality helmet Sony.
No cinema, is there'reboot' the movie "The Mummy", this time with Tom Cruise as the lead.
The director Alex Kurtzman tells the story of an ancient princess (played by actress Sofia Boutella) buried in a tomb somewhere in the depths of the unforgiving desert, whose fate was unjustly robbed.
When awakened in this, it brings all the accumulated malevolence over the millennia and horrors that defy human understanding.
They are 111 minutes of action and adventure and here's the trailer: = QxULyRCiDiY