Transportation: Refer achieved fusion / Estradas de Portugal. Infrastructure Portugal (IP) “born” into force today.

The merger between Estradas de Portugal (EP) and a reference in the infrastructure of Portugal (IP) It was published on Friday in the "Official Gazette". The ordinance enters into force today and exploitation will be in the public interest.

BEJA- building EP_800x800The merger allows Portugal infrastructures open to private exploitation of the railway service, with the headquarters of the delegation in Beja district, working in the building of the city's train station.

Reduce operating costs at the operational level, promoting efficiency in outsourcing and elimination of overlapping internal structures are some of the advantages pointed by the merger published in the Official Gazette.

Workers of both extinct entities see their transit rights for Infrastructure Portugal SA. (IP), that keeps the tax number of Refer and the headquarters of Portugal Roads, the Square toll in Almada.

The capital of the IP is dependent on the Treasury Directorate General and Finance, and between their revenue sources are road service contribution and toll rates. The company can obtain financing in local or foreign currency with financial institutions, it possesses positive equity and get permission from the IGCP.

The current members of the boards of directors of EP and pass Refer to the board of the IP Executive Board.

The new entity is responsible for roads and railways, from design to operation, rehabilitation and modernization. The Refer remains as the surviving entity, while the Estradas de Portugal (who led the National Road Board, JAE) is extinguished.

Built from the Strategic Plan of Transport and Infrastructure, and approved by the Council of Ministers 9 April, IP will close 4000 workers and will manage the 13.515 km of roads and 2.794 km of railway line.

Teixeira Correia


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