The Executive of the Union of Parishes Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira decided to ask, urgently, a meeting to the Chamber of Beja, concerned about the serious accidents that occurred on the national road 260 / IP 8 that surrounds the city.
In the space of a month, three accidents with pedestrians crossing that road, resulted in two deaths and one serious injury., that generated great concern in the Executive of the Union of Parishes Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira (UFSSM), led by António Ramos, to the people of the two neighborhoods, Bairro da Esperança and Pedreiras, that many of these, to have access to the city they have to cross this EN/IP daily.
The Union of Parishes defends that the City Council “gather and question the Infrastructures of Portugal de Beja, in order to find a solution to the problem, this executive being available, in a joint form, to collaborate with these two entities, in helping and proposing solutions that improve the security of people and goodsâ€, justify.
But the activity of UFSSMF is also geared towards work in different areas of its responsibility, namely:
The Parish Union maintenance teams will, during this week, proceed with the dismantling of tents and displays in the public garden, used in the Earth Fair. They will clean and collect monos in all moloks and container stations, of the neighborhoods and streets of the parish; clean up the districts of Conceição, dos Moinhos, Pelame and Esperança and in the Urbanization of Santa Maria, Quinta D’el Rei and Carmo Hill. The court garden lake will be cleaned and washed.
The Union of Parishes of Beja Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira has, for this week, cleaning herbs, with the use of a brushcutter, in the streets Pedro Victor, Don Nuno Alvares Pereira, Alexandre Herculano, Count of Boavista and Colonel Brito Pais. The Parish Union reminds all customers to avoid placing branches and vines next to containers, calling the parish union to collect it at home Telf 284313100 or 284313112.
Another edition of Feira da Terra has ended, the Executive of the Union of Parishes of Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira made a positive assessment of the event, leaving thanks to all the entities that were present at the fair, Exhibitors, artists, collectivities, and to the operational and technical teams of União de Freguesias that allowed Feira da Terra after two years of absence, come back big.
Teixeira Correia