The Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira) celebrated May 1st with a knitting tournament. The winning duo, Manuel Dias and José Varrasquinho, will represent the Union of Parishes in the Municipal games of Beja, with date to be set.
Eight teams participated in this tournament in a constant and healthy coexistence. In the final phase, the duo Manuel Dias and José Varrasquinho won. The winning duo will represent the Union of Parishes in the Beja Council games, with date to be set. At the end of the awards ceremony for the first three classified, lunch was served to all participants, spectators and guests.
The president of the Parish Council of the Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira) Antonio Ramos, was present on Thursday, day 2, at 7:30 pm, at the Pavilion of Flavors in Ovibeja, at the presentation of the Digital Commercial Neighborhood of Beja. This is a partnership between A CMB, NERBE/AEBAL and the Commerce Association, Services and Beja District Tourism, and aims to promote the digitalization of all commercial operators located in the city center of Beja.
In support of customers, the Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira), is making available, from April to June, on tuesdays and thursdays, entre as 10h e as 12h e 30m, IRS declaration delivery services. This support is only intended for those who have simple and automatic declarations. For this, just book in advance, for the nr 284313100.
The maintenance teams of the União das Freguesias de Beja (Salvador and Feira) go, during this week, carry out the cleaning and collection of monos in all moloks and container stations in the neighborhoods and streets of the parish; carry out urban cleaning in the Conceição neighborhood, neighborhood of Moinhos, urbanization of Santa Maria, Quinta D'el Rey, neighborhood of Pelame, Carmo Hill and Esperança Neighborhood.
The parish council continues to provide assistance, within its duties and competencies, to the document request processes that enter our services. Collaborates with all public institutions and services that address us.
The Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira) planned for the week 19, between days 06 and 10 May, clearing weeds using brushcutters, on Belchior Pereira Júnior street, José Moedas street, Dom Afonso Henriques street, Dom Francisco Alexandre Lobo street, Eugénio de Andrade street, Miguel Bombarda Street and Miguel Torga Street.
The Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira) scheduled for Friday, day 10 May, in Largo dos Duques de Beja, Audience lane, Largo de Santa Maria and Terreirinho das Peças, cleaning herbs using a product(s)phytopharmaceuticals, for weed control. All streets where this product will be applied, will be properly marked so that pet carriers, when traveling in the treated areas, do so with due precautions..
This Parish Union reminds all customers who can deliver bulky waste free of charge (furniture, mattresses, home appliances and green waste), at the Ecocentro de Beja on Rua da Metalúrgica Alentejana, from monday to friday, entre as 7 h e as 20 h, and on Saturday between 8 e as 19h. We remember, once again, that the placement of branches and monos next to containers should be avoided, calling the parish union to collect it at home Telf 284313100 or 284313112.