U.F.Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira: parish news.

The President of the Parish Council of the Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira) Antonio Ramos, was present at the International Seminar, About the subject “Current challenges in Social Intervention”.

The meeting took place in the Auditorium of the Intermunicipal Community of Baixo Alentejo CIMBAL, and the morning panel was dedicated to the topic “Social Intervention and the challenges of the paths taken and to be followed”, was moderated by Dr. Joaquina Madeira, from EAPN Portugal. In the afternoon panel, was under analysis “Social Intervention in Baixo Alentejo, what an immediate future”, moderated by Dr. Maria José Vicente, of the National Coordination of EAPN of Portugal.

The Executive of this Parish Council of the Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira), met last Wednesday 05, by 16 hours, at this headquarters, with the Rua Bigodes Association. In this meeting, were presented to the executive, some initiatives that this Association has carried out in our Parish. One of these initiatives, that the association has planned, has to do with the sterilization of some cat colonies in our city, in conjunction with the CMB Veterinary. After the meeting, the executive of this Parish Council, committed to this Association, provide logistical support, in the transport of animals collected in future collective sterilization operations, of cat colonies in our City.

The Union Parish Council of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira) last Friday, day 7 June, by 21h, performed on the grounds of the former Escola do Bairro Nossa Senhora da Conceição, the march of our Parish Council. After the performance of the march, a solidarity festival was held, the proceeds of which went towards the Beja Cerebral Palsy Center.

The President of the Parish Council of the Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira), Antonio Ramos, was present on Monday, day 10 June, by 19h, the Sports Complex Fernando Mamede, at the Beja Cup Tournament awards ceremony. The tournament was organized by Clube Desportivo de Beja, that during this long weekend, brought hundreds of athletes from all over the country to our city.

The maintenance teams of the União das Freguesias de Beja (Salvador and Feira), During this week, they will support the cleaning and collection of monos in all moloks and container stations in the neighborhoods and streets of the parish, support the cleaning of the Conceição neighborhood, neighborhood of Moinhos, Santa Maria urbanization, Quinta D'el Rey, Neighborhood of Pelame Colina do Carmo, and neighborhood of hope.

In service to the Parish Council, within its duties and competencies, carries out all document request processes that have been submitted to our services, having also collaborated with all public institutions and services that approached us.

The Union Parish Council of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira), planned for the week 24 between 11 and 14 from June to herb cleansing, with the use of brush cutters, Dr on street. Francisco Sá Carneiro, side street of the Municipal Market, December 1st street, General Teófilo Trindade street, Sebastião Jesus Palma street, General Morais Sarmento street and Coronel Brito Pais street.

This Union of Parishes, reminds all customers, who can deliver bulky waste free of charge (furniture, mattresses, home appliances and green waste), at Ecocentro de Beja on Rua da Metalúrgica Alentejana from Monday to Friday between 7 h e as 20 h, and on Saturday between 8 e as 19h. We remind you that you should avoid placing branches and monora next to the containers, by calling the Union of Parishes to make your home collection Telf 284313100 or 284313112.

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