The Union of Parishes of Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira was present at the meeting of the Executive Nucleus of the Local Social Action Council of Beja, where the work developed by the Radar Social Project team was analyzed, within the scope of Social Diagnosis.
O Secretário da Freguesia da União das Freguesias de Beja (Salvador and Feira) Bruno Sustelo, was present on Monday, day 24 June, at 10am, in the Blue Building, the Fair and Exhibition Park, na reunião do Núcleo Executivo do Conselho Local de Ação Social de Beja. Reunião esta, que teve como ponto principal na ordem de trabalhos, a situação dos trabalhos desenvolvidos pela equipa do Projeto Radar Social, within the scope of Social Diagnosis.
The President of the Parish Council of the Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira), Antonio Ramos, was present on Monday 24 June, pelas 11h e 30m, no Auditório do Nerbe, na cerimónia Comemorativa do 147º Aniversário do Comando Distrital de Beja da PSP.
The President of the Parish Council of the Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira), Antonio Ramos, was present on Monday 24 June, pelas 14h e 30m nas instalações da Santa Casa da Misericórdia, no âmbito das Comemorações do Dia Mundial do Refugiado, no evento “Somos Todos Estrangeirosâ€. Este evento teve como objetivo, sensibilizar a comunidade para a causa dos refugiados, ouvir testemunhos e partilhas de experiências sobre as realidades enfrentadas pelos migrantes, refugiados e pessoas com proteção Internacional a viver na nossa cidade.
The Union Parish Council of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira) informa que estão abertas as inscrições para os passeios Séniores da Freguesia, o Primeiro Passeio está agendado para o dia 18 de julho e o Segundo Passeio para o dia 5 de setembro ao Oceanário.
The maintenance teams of the Parish Council of the Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira), during this week, irão proceder ao apoio à limpeza e recolha de monos em todos os molok e gare de contentores dos bairros e ruas da freguesia, support the cleaning of the Conceição neighborhood, neighborhood of Moinhos, Santa Maria urbanization, King's Fifth, neighborhood of Pelame Colina do Carmo, and neighborhood of hope.
In service, the Parish Council carries out all document request processes that have been submitted to our services., having also collaborated with all public institutions and services that approached us.
The Union Parish Council of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira) planned for the week 25, between days 17 and 21 June, á limpeza de ervas com a utilização de moto roçadoras, Dr on street. White edge, Over Santa Maria, Largo dos Duques de Beja, Largo da Conceição, Conde da Boavista street, dr street. Augusto Barreto, Praceta António Aleixo e rua José Carlos Ary dos Santos.
This Parish Union reminds all customers who can deliver bulky waste free of charge (furniture, mattresses, home appliances and green waste), at Ecocentro de Beja on Rua da Metalúrgica Alentejana from Monday to Friday between 7 h e as 20 h, and on Saturday between 8 e as 19h. We remind you that you should avoid placing branches and monora next to the containers, calling the parish union to collect it at home Telf 284313100 or 284313112.