The Association of Parishes of the City of Beja received, as has become usual, preschool children at the Santiago Maior School Center and the Coronel Sousa Tavares de Beja Children's Center, for the traditional singing of Janeiras and wishes for a Happy New Year 2024.
then, depois dos agradecimentos, e para que as crianças não fossem carregadas, será entregue nas respetivas instituições, um presente para cada uma das crianças intervenientes, oferecido pelas duas Uniões de Freguesia.
The parish union maintenance teams will, during this week, carry out the cleaning and collection of monos in all moloks and container stations in the neighborhoods and streets of the parish, urban cleaning of the Conceição neighborhood, neighborhood of Moinhos, urbanization of Santa Maria, Quinta D'el Rey, neighborhood of Pelame, Carmo Hill and Esperança neighborhood.
In service, the parish council, within its competences, dá andamento a todos os processos de pedido de documentos que vão dando entrada nos serviços. Colabora ainda com todas as instituições e serviços públicos que se nos dirigem.
A união das freguesias de Beja Salvador e Santa Maria da Feira tem previsto para terça-feira e quarta-feira, days 9 and 10 January, clearing weeds using brushcutters, no beco da rua da Lavoura, tanque da rua da Lavoura e canteiros do bairro do Pelame.
A união das freguesias de Beja Salvador e Santa Maria da Feira tem previsto para quinta-feira, day 11 January, na rua Agro-Alimentares e bairro da Esperança a utilização de produto(s)phytopharmaceuticals, for weed control. All streets where this product will be applied, will be properly marked, so that pet carriers when traveling in treated areas do so with due precautions.
This union of parishes reminds all customers that they can deliver bulky waste free of charge (furniture, mattresses, home appliances and green waste), at the Ecocentro de Beja on Rua da Metalúrgica Alentejana, from monday to friday, entre as 7 h e as 20 h and Saturday, entre as 8 e as 19h. We remind you that you should avoid placing branches and monora next to the containers, calling the parish union to collect it at home Telf 284313100 or 284313112.