Antonio Ramos, President of this Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira), was present, via Zoom, at the 1st follow-up meeting, of the Shave E9G Project of the Escolhas Program.
This meeting aimed to, meet or review the partners that make up the project consortium, as well as, the members of the technical teams. The proposed themes, was a brief overview of the Escolhas Program (ON), approach to the role that partners have within the project, as well as the expectations they have for this generation. It was still done, an overview of the intervention carried out so far by the project, in charge of the Coordinator, Dr. Deolinda Zacarias from the Social and Recreational Center of Bairro da Esperança.
Antonio Ramos, President of this Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira), was present on the day 19 Feb. (Monday), at 10am, at the invitation of the Governing Bodies of the Association of Former Students of the Industrial and Commercial School of Beja and the Management of the School Group no. 2 Beja, at the Conference “Active Intergenerational Citizenshipâ€, a bridge between the past and the present, commemorative event of 75 Years of the Foundation of the Beja Industrial and Commercial School.
The executive of the Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira), informs that registrations are open for the 5th Cãominhada, event that completely benefits Cantinho dos Animais, the initiative was scheduled for 24 March, but it was anticipated, for the day 17 March (Sunday), with Start and end at the Bairro dos Moinhos playground.
The maintenance teams of the Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira) go, during this week, carry out cleaning and collection of monos in all moloks and container stations in the neighborhoods and streets of the parish, clean up the Conceição neighborhood, neighborhood of Moinhos, Santa Maria urbanization, King's Fifth, neighborhood of Pelame Colina do Carmo, and neighborhood of hope.
In service, the parish council, within its competences, continued all document request processes that were submitted to our services, having also collaborated with all public institutions and services that approached us.
The Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira) planned for the week 8 between days 19 and 23 Feb., clearing weeds using brushcutters, in the streets: Dr. John Amaral, General Vasques Gonçalves, José Gomes Alves and Largo dos Correios.
The Union of Parishes of Beja (Salvador and Feira), scheduled for thursday 22 and Friday day 23 Feb., on Coronel Brito Pais street, Street D. Francisco Alexandre Lobo; António Raposo Tavares Street; General Vasco Gonçalves Street, cleaning herbs using a product(s)phytopharmaceuticals, for weed control. All streets where this product will be applied, will be properly marked so that pet carriers, when circulating in treated areas, do so with due precautions.
This Parish Union reminds all customers who can deliver bulky waste free of charge (furniture, mattresses, home appliances and green waste), at Ecocentro de Beja on Rua da Metalúrgica Alentejana from Monday to Friday between 7 h e as 20 h, and on Saturday between 8 e as 19h. We remind you that you should avoid placing branches and monora next to the containers, calling the parish union to collect it at home Telf 284313100 or 284313112.