ULSBA: Investment over 600 thousand euros in new equipment.

The amount to be invested is intended for the acquisition of radiological equipment for the Basic Unit Services of Beja, Castro Verde and Moura.

As part of a continuous process of improvement, the Baixo Alentejo Local Health Unit acquired new radiology equipment in an investment that exceeds the 600 thousand euros and which improves the quality of services provided to the population at Hospital de Beja and at the Basic Emergency Services of Castro Verde and Moura.

Beja – Hospital JosĂ© Joaquim Fernandes – 2 C-arm RX Equipment for the Operating Room, not value of €191,953.80 – 1 Radiological equipment – ​​remote controlled table – fully digital system for performing fluoroscopy and radiography, with direct digital acquisition of radiological image, for the Imaging Service, in the amount of €214,673.13 Castro Verde e Moura – Basic Emergency Services – 2 Direct digital conventional RX equipment, in an investment of €226,467.50.

In the case of Basic Emergency Services (SUB), the RX service will be unavailable for the duration of the works to improve the spaces to accommodate this new equipment, during this period, users who need these complementary means of diagnosis are forwarded to the Emergency Service of Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes, in Beja, as it usually happens.

In Castro Verde, works started last day 31 of July and will extend predictably until the next day 22. in Moura, The works started today and are expected to end the next day 29.

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