ULSBA: Baixo Alentejo Local Health Plan 2024-2030 (PLSBA 2024-2030).

The Public Health Unit (USP) the Local Health Unit of Baixo Alentejo (ULSBA), in collaboration with the National School of Public Health (ENSP – NOVA), is preparing the Local Health Plan for Baixo Alentejo 2024-2030 (PLSBA 2024-2030).

O PLSBA 2024-2030 It is at the same time a population-based strategic document and an instrument to support management in making technical decisions, political and organizational action-oriented and aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS).

The ultimate goal of the PLSBA 2024-2030 is to improve the health of the population and reduce inequities.

An online questionnaire is available from this week until the end of January ON HERE and in paper format for surveying the population, The aim is to know which factors/determinants/health problems that the population prioritizes so that interventions can be planned according to the identified needs.

Simultaneously, interviews will take place with partners from different sectors of the community with an impact on health.

For any questions or other information regarding this matter, please contact: Drag. Sara Duarte (+351 915 569 986 | planolocalsaude@ulsba.min-saude.pt (Public Health Specialist, Health Delegate Coordinator of Baixo Alentejo and Coordinator of the Local Health Plan of Baixo Alentejo 2024-2030)

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