ULSBA: Unit Boosts responsiveness to COVID-19.
The Local Health Unit of the Lower Alentejo (ULSBA) ensures that “There is not, to data, confirmed cases in the district of Beja”, has been preparing to tackle the pandemic Covid19, establishing safe circuits of care, sorting and routing patients.
In a statement the Council of ULSBA's management issued a statement which makes it known that during this process, we have received valuable assistance on the part of official bodies and private companies, that much we appreciate and encourages us to continue to prepare everything to the smallest detail and, always, according to the guidelines of the Directorate General for Health and depending on developments.
On the prevention and control of infection by the new coronavirus – Covid19, the Local Health Unit prepared the Contingency Plan, dynamic character, are defined procedures in which, responsibilities and specific measures to be adopted, the level of public health, primary health care, hospital and continued, to mitigate the consequences of infection.
Not having, to data, confirmed cases in the district of Beja, it is important to clarify that for patients who will require hospitalization, are there, and are established, in Beja Hospital, exclusive areas, with own circuits and health teams properly prepared to receive patients, in other words, we have installed hospital capacity.
In the Intensive Care Unit Polyvalent, equipped with the necessary equipment and logistics, It was increased admission capacity.
Health Centers of ULSBA bet on proximity between the health teams and our users, giving priority to alternative channels of contact (phone and e-mail), always ready to receive the questions and provide the necessary clarifications to the population.
Reinforced prevention messages among the population and, in this sense, we appeal to all to maintain social distancing, comply with the recommendations of the DGS and seek information from official sources.
Remember that even the most correct procedure, in case of suspicion, will call the NHS 24 (808 24 24 24) and wait for the call. One should not go to the Health Center, or the Hospital. The SNS24 is the gateway to the citizen answer questions and obtain information about the recommendations and actions to be taken.
With the help ALL, strengthen the institution's ability to respond, correct and organized manner, The pandemic by Covid-19.