Air Astana: report of the GPIAAAF question the maintenance.
The data is provisional. In the report on the emergence of Sunday, it is said that the detected fault in the control system of the aircraft that landed in Beja may have been caused during maintenance.
According to Antenna 1, the faults that caused the emergency on the plane of Air Astana, no Sunday, They may have been a result of the maintenance that was performed in the apparatus OGMA.
The information note released this morning by the Office of Prevention and Accident Investigation Aircraft and Railway Accidents (GPIAAAF) It points out that "the evidence gathered so far, and further subject to additional verification tests, suggest the existence of failures in aircraft configuration pranchamento control system, consistent with any disruption of this system during maintenance actions ".
The plane took off from the military base of Alverca do Ribatejo, Lisbon district, where he performed maintenance work scheduled in OGMA facilities – Aeronautical Industry of Portugal (AIR ASTANA- Map synthesis accident).
He spent some time over the region north of Lisbon and Alentejo, an irregular path.
Eventually landing at about 15:25, in Beja airport, with the help of two F16 Portuguese Air Force.