(Updated) Aljustrel: IN 2, between Aljustrel and Castro Verde, reopened after the road subsidence.
It has been re-opened National Road 2, the stretch between Aljustrel and Castro Verde, after floor partial subsidence that cut on Wednesday night, one way to traffic.
Update: In a statement sent to Lidador News, to Portugal Infrastructure (IP), do know that: “already normalized circulation in EN2, in Aljustrel. O trânsito foi interrompido ao inicio da noite de ontem, day 8 January, due to the reduction in the floor per kilometer 621,7 the EN2. A IP deslocou de imediato as suas equipas para o local, to signal the cutting traffic and start the repair work, allowing the reopening to traffic in the early dawn today”.
The Lidador News (LN) You have been in place, having found that the crater floor emerged in the late afternoon, little was after 19,00 hours, and will take between one to two meters in diameter, and three to four meters deep, with the authorities cut the traffic on site, about five kilometers from Aljustrel.
The subsidence has occurred at a site of EN2, known as the dam of Mount Street and traffic is closed off Aljustrel, in the north / south direction, e a 9 kilometers in Carregueiro, towards south / north.
The causes for subsidence are not yet cleared, but the explosions at the mine sub-soil may have caused the subsidence of land under the tarmac that led to the open crater. The marks on the floor, it would appear that a vehicle has passed the site and then hit the floor.
Nelson Brito, President of the Chamber Aljustrel, visited the site and told LN that “the warning was given to the GNR for motorists, whose car suffered no damage”, acrescentando que durante o dia de amanhã “there will be a thorough assessment of the damage and works to do”, concluded.
Mining companies working in the region and use that part of the road have already been informed of the court.
Alternatively, drivers have links Aljustrel / Beja / Castro Verde or Aljustrel / Messejana / Casével / Castro Verde.
nonlocal, encontram-see GNR, firefighters and civil protection authorities and Portugal Infrastructure.
The National Road No. 2 through northern Portugal and the south is the road of greater extension of the country, tendo o seu inÃcio em Chaves (Km 0) and ending at Km 738,5 in Faro (originally it had a total 739,260 Km), through eleven districts (Vila Real, Viseu, Coimbra, Leiria, withe Castle, Santarém, Portalegre, Évora, Setúbal, Beja e Faro), oito provÃncias (Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Beira Alta, Beira Litoral, Beira Baixa, Ribatejo, Alto Alentejo, Baixo Alentejo, and Algarve), 4 serras, 11 rios e 32 municipalities.
Teixeira Correia