Baleizão/Beja: Young 22 years dies in motorcycle crash.

A couple of 22 years old died following the crash of the motorcycle he was driving, last night, in the center of the village of Baleizão. Leaves a girl an orphan 22 days.

The accident occurred at 11:45 pm next to the bus stop at Largo Catarina Eufémia (at the bottom of Rua José Vargas-photo), taking the victim had immediate death, the causes of the screening are unknown.

About a year ago, his older brother had an accident in the same place., having survived, but left with irreversible injuries.

There were seven members of the Beja Volunteer Fire Department at the scene., VMER and GNR, supported by three cars. The young man's body was transported to the Beja Medical-Legal Office where it will be autopsied.

Teixeira Correia


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